Compare Page

The Compare page provides a quantitative view of the parameters in each alternative and the ranking and scoring of each alternative.

This page discusses:

See Also
Parameter Data Types

The Compare page displays your analytics case, where each column represents an alternative, and each row represents a parameter, as shown in the following figure:



Data View

Action Bar


The Compare page is arranged as follows:

  • The first column contains the parameters. (You can double-click a parameter name to edit it.)
  • The second column contains the requirements, if any, for each parameter—the priority, the objective, upper and lower threshold values, and a target value.
  • The remaining columns show each alternative.
    • A symbol indicates if a parameter value lies outside the threshold range.
    • Green highlighting indicates the parameter value that is the best match for the objective; for example, if you are trying to minimize a parameter, Performance Trade-off highlights the alternative with the lowest value.

Data Views

Performance Trade-off provides three views of the data in your analytics case:

Click to see the absolute value of the parameters. This is the default view.
By Differences
Click to see the relative difference between a parameter value and the value of the baseline (leftmost by default) alternative in the table.
By Percentage
Click to see the percentage difference between a parameter value and the value of the baseline (leftmost by default) alternative in the table.

Note: You can click from the column heading to specify the baseline alternative. In most cases, you will select the best alternative as the baseline and use the relative view to view the difference or percent difference between the best alternative and the other alternatives.

Icon View

Click on the Compare page to see the files stored as parameters in your analytics case. For example, the images attached to a Results Analytics analytics case that you opened.

Alternatives Operations

You can operate on the alternatives in the Compare page as shown below:





Reorder columns


Recommend, Like, or Comment
You can recommend, like, or comment on an alternative by clicking the icons in the column heading. Performance Trade-off highlights the icon to indicate a recommended or liked alternative and to indicate that a comment is present.
The alternative menu allows you to:
  • Hide an alternative. Use the Visibility Management command in the action bar to hide/unhide one or more alternatives.
  • Map a parameter in an alternative to a parameter in another alternative.
  • View the results associated with an alternative in 3DPlay.
  • Open the results in Physics Results Explorer, if the alternative contains the results of a Physics Simulation.
Reorder columns
To change the order in which the alternatives (columns) appear in the table, you can drag an alternative left or right. For example, you may want to drag the highest ranked alternative to the leftmost column. You can also click or to order the alternatives by ascending or descending rank.
You can double-click the thumbnail to open it in 3DPlay. You can also drag the thumbnail to other applications.
Visibility Management
You can show or hide alternatives using the Visibility Management command in the action bar. From the Visibility Management dialog box, you can select alternatives to be shown or hidden. You can also search or filter alternatives.