Mapping Parameters Between Apps

You can map parameters between Automation Process Composer and other 3DEXPERIENCE apps.

See Also
Mapping to Part Design Parameters
About Parameters
3DEXPERIENCE Utility Adapter

You can create a new parameter associated with a Automation Process Composer activity, as described in Creating an Activity Parameter, and you can map the parameter to a 3DEXPERIENCE parameter created with another app.

For example, you can do the following to create an optimization that modifies the geometry of a part while minimizing the mass and the maximum stress and displacement:

  • Modify the geometry of the part by changing the value of Automation Process Composer activity parameters representing dimensions and by mapping those parameters to 3DEXPERIENCE parameters representing sketch dimensions in the Part Design app.
  • Determine the mass of the part by mapping a Automation Process Composer activity parameter to a 3DEXPERIENCE parameter representing the mass calculated by the Create Intertia Data command in the Part Design app.
  • Capture results from a structural analysis by mapping a Automation Process Composer activity parameter to 3DEXPERIENCE parameters representing probe values in the Physics Results Explorer app, such as the maximum von Mises stress or the maximum displacement.

In most cases, you will use the 3DEXPERIENCE Utility adapter and select the Execute Simulation utility and select a Physics Simulation as the content. You can use the Pre-Execute options to map Automation Process Composer activity parameters with 3DEXPERIENCE parameters representing inputs to the simulation, such as sketch dimensions. Similarly, you can use the Post-Execute options to map Automation Process Composer activity parameters with 3DEXPERIENCE parameters representing outputs from the simulation, such as the mass, maximum stress, and maximum displacement.

3DEXPERIENCE parameters are described in Knowledge Basics User's Guide.