You use the Import Simulation Results batch utility to import simulation result files (for example, results from an Abaqus simulation) into a selected physics simulation.
From the Utilities section of the action bar,
click 3DEXPERIENCE Utility and
drop it on the process diagram.
Double-click 3DEXPERIENCE Utility.
From the 3DX Utility editor that appears, select the Execution tab.
From the Select a 3DX Utility menu, select Import Simulation Results.
To import the results into an existing physics simulation object, select Existing Simulation and do either of the following:
Select Content, and select an object in the workflow or
search for an object.
Select Parameter, and select a parameter representing an object.
To import the results into a new physics simulation object, select Create new simulation and create an object parameter.
When Automation Process
Composer runs the simulation activity, it creates a new physics simulation object to which the
new object parameter will refer.
In the File to import text box, enter the file containing the simulation results that you want to import.
You can import simulation results from the following file types:
File Type
SIM databases
Individual file
.sim and .SMASim
Abaqus output databases
Nastran results documents
If you are importing an .odb or .op2 format file, the file must contain the finite element model data and discrete fields calculated by the solver for each step and scenario of the analysis.
You must enter the full path to the file, including the file extension. You can use the following syntax to refer to the working directory: ${rundir}\MyOutputDatabase.odb.
Enter a Prefix that will be used to name the new simulation.
Optional: If you are importing the results into an existing simulation object, do either of the following:
Select Update Analysis case, and enter the name of the analysis case. Automation Process
Composer overwrites the existing case, if any, with the same name.
Unselect Update Analysis case. Automation Process
Composer adds the simulation results as a new analytics case to the simulation object.
By default, Automation Process
Composer assumes the data in the results files are stored in the MKS system of units. If desired, you can select alternative units.
Select the Execution Options.
Click Ok to save your changes and to close the 3DX Utility editor.