Static Study

Static Study provides you with all the tools required to perform static stress simulations. This app is intended for use by designers or engineers who need basic simulation capabilities for models that are not in motion.

See Also
What's New
Static Study Basics
In Other Guides

Static Study is a native app that lets you create and manage:

  • A finite element model that is used to represent the model's geometry during a simulation.
  • Materials that specify the mechanical behavior and properties of the model.
  • Contact that models the interaction between components of an assembly.
  • Restraints (such as clamps and hinges) that fix translational or rotational degrees of freedom of portions of the model.
  • Loads (such as pressure and forces) that represent concentrated or distributed tractions applied to a model by an external source.
  • Results features that help you analyze and view the completed simulation.

A static stress simulation evaluates the structural response of a design under static loads. Some simple examples of static loads include placing a weight on the end of a beam or stretching a spring. Such loads are typical of what a structure experiences over the course of its life.

You can perform static stress simulations on any product consisting of a single, solid, three-dimensional part or an assembly of multiple parts. You can create connections at the interface of two components in an assembly. In addition, you can account for contact in the assembly, which prevents unconnected surfaces of the model from penetrating each other if they come into contact.

Static stress simulations are not appropriate for simulating the effects of transient loads, such as quick impacts or oscillating forces.

For information about accessing Static Study, see Opening an App from the Compass.