Create the Static Step
Create a static step for the annealing process.
Create the Static StepCreate a static step for the annealing process. Create the Tabular AmplitudeCreate an amplitude to define the temperature throughout the annealing step, starting and ending at ambient temperature. Amplitudes represent scale factors that allow arbitrary time (or frequency) variations of temperature, load, displacement, and other prescribed variables throughout a step. You can assign arbitrary schemes to vary the amplitude throughout a step. A tabular amplitude curve is defined by a table of values at convenient points on a time scale. In addition to time, frequency, and magnitude information, you can specify a smoothing factor in which the linear time variation is replaced by a smooth quadratic time variation. The scale factor you specify is then multiplied by the value of the feature (for our example, the magnitude of a temperature, which changes over the given time period). Time points in the amplitude table correspond to step time points in the step in which the amplitude is applied. Any time points in the amplitude that are larger than the step duration are ignored during the simulation. The amplitude defined here starts at a scale factor of 1 (300K) at time 0, changes to 3 (900K) through 10,000 and 30,000 seconds, and returns to 300K at 39,600 seconds. We define the temperature in the next task, Create the Prescribed Temperature. Create the Prescribed TemperatureCreate a prescribed temperature that constrains the assembly to have a specified temperature value throughout the simulation. In this example, the prescribed temperature and the amplitude created in the previous task define the temperature for simulating the annealing process. Create the Fixed DisplacementApply a fixed displacement to constrain the build tray so that it cannot move during the simulation. Create a restraint on the previously created X, Y, and Z node groups to prevent motion during the annealing step. |