Specify the Optimization Algorithm

Select the algorithm for your material calibration.

Material Calibration offers three classes of optimization algorithms: gradient based, derivative free, and heuristic (or evolutionary) algorithms. Each class is suited to the calibration of a particular type of test data, and derivative-free algorithms are a suitable choice in this example because they are best suited to viscoelastic problems or problems that are rate-dependent in general. Of the available derivative-free algorithms, select the Nelder-Mead algorithm because it is the most efficient and accurate algorithm for the test data sets.

For more information about each class of optimization algorithms and every specific algorithm available in the app, see Simulation | Multidiscipline and Multiscale | Material Calibration | Optimization Controls | Calibration Algorithms and Parameter Sensitivity.

  1. From the Calibration setup dialog box, click Optimization Controls .
  2. From the Optimization Algorithm options, select Nelder-Mead.