Importing Geometry

You can import geometric features from another app or from another CAD system. You can either recognize the whole geometry or only selected faces.

Before you begin: Create geometric features in another app.
See Also
Creating Walls from Edges
Modify Bend Extremities
  1. Start the Bent Part Design app.
  2. Select a wall face.
    The context toolbar is displayed and the Recognize icon appears.
    Note: The selected face is the reference face.
  3. To recognize the geometry, do one of the following:
    • Click Global Mode and then click Recognize. The whole geometry is recognized in Bent Part Design and you can edit it.
    • Click Local Mode and then click Local Import . Only the selected faces are recognized.
      Note: You can create a wall and click Local Import again: bend extremities options appear so that you can specify a bend extremity for the second wall.