Move a Wall
You can translate or rotate a wall.
- Select the face of the wall you want to move.
You can select several faces, including top, bottom and lateral faces.
The Robot displays the available directions. - If your part has several walls, choose either:
- to move the selected wall only.
- to move all the related walls with the selected wall.
All the parts moving with the selected wall are highlighted.
- To translate or rotate the wall, do either of the following:
- Drag one of the arrows or one of the arcs.
A ruler displays the distance translated or angle rotated.
Tip: If you want to define the Inner Mold Line (IML) or Outer Mold Line (OML) as the rotation axis of your transformation, disconnect the Robot from the selected wall and drop it on the bend or on the inner/outer related wall. The Robot is automatically positioned on the IML or OML and you can then rotate the selected wall without changing its IML or OML. - Double-click the wall and enter a value in the Length box to translate the wall or in the Angle box to rotate it.
- Drag one of the arrows or one of the arcs.
- If you have dragged one of the arrows, do either of the
following to define a value:
- Release the mouse when the displayed value is correct.
- Click the value displayed along the ruler, enter a new value in the box, and then press Enter.
- Click the work area to validate.