Checking Overlapping

You can check the overlapping of different areas of a 3D shape.

Before you begin: Create a 3D shape.
See Also
Folding Bends and Flanges
Unfolding Bends and Flanges
  1. From the Review section of the action bar, click Check Overlapping .
    The area with the overlapping is highlighted.

    The number of overlaps present on the analyzed 3D shape is displayed in the Overlapping Detection dialog box.

  2. Click OK.
    A curve is generated. It can then be used to solve the overlapping, by redesigning the feature's sketches or specifications.
  3. To change the view, click Fold/Unfold.
    Generated curve on unfolded view

    Generated curve on folded view

  • The overlapping is only computed when the two coinciding faces are either bottom/bottom or top/top.
  • In hybrid context, the curve generated after an overlapping detection is aggregated under the body in the tree.