Configuring Attribute Mapping and Settings for CAD PLM Collaboration Services

You can map the user-defined attributes of a physical product to user-defined attributes and some default attributes in the CAD.

This mapping allows collaboration between the 3DEXPERIENCE Platform and CAD. For more information, see Social and Collaborative: 3DEXPERIENCE Open: PLM Collaboration Services.

You can also modify the settings for the CAD objects in the 3DEXPERIENCE Platform.

Required access role: Administrator.

  1. In the menu in the left pane, click CAD PLM Collaboration.
    The list of CAD appears.
  2. Select an CAD from the list.
    In the Attribute Mapping tab, the attribute mapping between physical products and the type of CAD is displayed in a table (one for each type):
    Column Name Description
    Product attribute The attributes for physical products.
    Side The mapping direction.
    CAD attribute The attributes for the CAD.
    Actions The actions that you can perform on the mapping. You can click to delete the mapping. Some mappings are not removable.
    Deploy Status The status of the mapping.

    Icon Description
    Green Mapping is applied and deployed.
    Black Mapping is newly created and not yet deployed.
    Orange Mapping is stored using import and the changes are not yet deployed.
    Red Mapping is deleted and the changes are not yet deployed.

    Mapping is deleted due to conflict during import and the changes are not yet deployed.

    Orange Stored mapping is deleted and the changes are not yet deployed.
    Red Stored mapping contains an error or an incompatible range.

  3. To add a mapping for a type of CAD, click .
    The Add Mapping Attribute for Physical Product/CAD type dialog box appears.
  4. Enter the details, as required.

    Field Name Description
    Physical Product attribute Select a physical product attribute to map.
    CAD attribute Enter the CAD attribute.

    A default value is entered when selecting the physical product attribute.

    Side Select a mapping direction. If the mapping is not possible for a direction, it is unavailable.

  5. Click Apply.
    The mapping is created.

    You can also import and export attribute mappings. For more information, see Exporting and Importing Configurations.

    • If an CAD attribute or a product attribute from an existing mapping is present in a mapping to be imported, it is considered as a conflict.
    • If a mapping to be imported conflicts with an existing mapping, the existing mapping is deleted and the new mapping is imported and added.
    • If a mapping to be imported is identical to an existing mapping, the existing mapping is retained.
    • If a mapping is deleted due to conflict during import and the changes are deployed, the mapping is not listed.

  6. To modify the settings for the CAD objects:
    1. Click the Settings tab in the page of the CAD.

      The list of options (if any) appears. Hover over the icon to display more information about the option.

    2. Specify the options of your choice.
  7. Click Apply.