Propagating Attributes for New Extensions

You can propagate new attribute extensions creating using the Data Model Customization app to existing objects.

If you extend the data model by adding attributes, new objects will be created with those attributes. However, existing objects are not automatically updated. This tool lets you update existing objects with newly defined attributes.

Warning: Only propagate custom attributes when users are not creating or modifying content in the 3DEXPERIENCE platform. For more information, see Process for Adding Custom Attributes.

Before you begin:
  1. Open the Collaborative Spaces Configuration Center widget. For more information, see Widgets to Configure Content and Business Rules.
  2. In the menu in the left pane, click Configuration Deployment.
  1. Expand the Attributes Propagation section and click Search.
    The app lists all the automatic deployment extensions.
    Column Name Description
    Types Name The object type that has been extended. If the type has subtypes, the subtypes will also be updated.
    Attributes Hover over the to view the list of new attributes defined for that object type.
    Number of objects that have already the extensions attached on total The first number shows the number of objects of that type that already have the added attributes attached. The second number shows the total number of that object type.

    If the second number is larger than the first number, the difference between the numbers is the number of objects that do not have the new attributes attached.

    Status A green check mark indicates the attributes for that type have been complete applied to all existing objects.

    A yellow check mark indicates that some objects have not been updated with the listed attributes.

    You can click Refresh to reload the list of object types.

  2. Select the object types you for which want to attach the listed attributes. You cannot select an object type unless it has objects that do not have the new attributes attached.
  3. Click Attach.

The app updates all existing objects that do not already have the listed attributes.