Creating Space Cells Aligned Along a Curve

You can create space cells along a curve.

See Also
About Standard Space Structure
Publishing Space Cells Aligned Along a Curve
  1. Create a space root.
  2. Insert a space system under the space root.
    1. Right-click the space root and select Insert > Extended Product.
    2. In the New Content panel, expand Space Allocation and select Space System .
    3. In the Space System dialog box, click the Space System Options tab and select Space system for alignment.
    The space system is added under the space root. The space system has the following three features inside it:
    • WireDisconnect: The disconnected curve feature created after cutting a curve using cutting elements.
    • Standard Profile or Custom Profile: The profile to be swept along the wire.
    • SpaceCell Set: The space cells' container.
  3. Activate the 3D shape representation of the space system, and click Space Manager on the action bar.
    The Space Manager for Alignment panel appears.
  4. In the Wire box, select a curve along which the spaces are to be created.
  5. In the Cutting elements box, select the elements to cut the curve.

    You can select elements such as points, planes, surfaces, and lines. The selected elements must intersect the wire.

  6. Under the Profile area, do any of the following:
    • In the Standard tab, specify the width and height values to create a rectangular profile.

      The first width and the first height values specify lengths in the +H and +V directions, respectively. The second width and the second height values specify lengths in the -H and -V directions, respectively.

      Note: To create a standard profile, at least one width and one height must be specified.

    • In the Custom tab, select a sketch profile in the 3D area or in the tree.

      The profile must be closed and mono-domain. You can also click to sketch a new profile.

      Note: The profile is positioned on the start point of the wire taking into account the sketch orientation of the profile. You can modify the sketch orientation to get the desired orientation of the profile on the wire.
  7. Click OK.
    The space cells are generated.
    Note: In case of any changes in the wire or in the cutting elements, the space cells are updated accordingly when you update the space manager.