Measuring a Point

You can measure a point in absolute and space coordinates.

If the root product is geolocated, you can measure the geolocation coordinates of a point.

Before you begin: To measure space coordinates of a point,
  • Create a reference plane system.
  • Set the reference plane system in common geometry resources in Data Setup.
  • Open a root product that contains the reference plane system that is set in Data Setup.
  1. Activate a 3D shape representation.
  2. From the Assistant section of the action bar, click Measure a Point .
  3. Hover over any point in the root product.
    The tooltip appears, displaying the absolute and space coordinates of that point.
    • The space coordinates are measured as: the closest reference plane to the selected point + the distance between the point and the plane.

      In case the point is at equal distance from two planes, the plane closest to the origin is considered.

    • The tooltip information changes as soon as you hover over another point.
  4. Select any point in the root product.

    You can select multiple points.

    A tooltip displays the absolute and space coordinates of the selected point. The tooltip for the measured point remains available in the 3D area until you close it.

    • When the space reference system is not set in Data Setup, and the root product is geolocated, the tooltip displays the absolute and geolocation coordinates of the selected point.
    • The geolocation coordinates do not take into account the exponential notation preferences available at Me > Preferences > Main Preferences > Modeling > Units, and are always displayed in decimal form.