Modifying Reference Plane Category

You can modify categories of selected reference planes.

Before you begin: Open a reference plane system.
See Also
Creating Reference Plane System
  1. From the Operations section of the action bar, click Edit Planes .
    The reference plane system appears in the edition mode.

  2. Select the required reference planes in the 3D area.

    Tip: You can Ctrl + select multiple reference planes. You can also select objects by dragging a bounding outline around them. For more information about selecting objects, see 3DEXPERIENCE Native Apps: Selecting Objects.

  3. In the context toolbar, click Edit Category .

  4. In the list, select the required category.

    By default, the category of all the reference planes is set to RFGGridFace.

    Important: The different categories for reference planes are defined in the dictionary, which is set in the Data Setup.

  5. Click anywhere in the work area.
    The categories of selected reference planes are modified.
  6. To remove the category, click Remove Category in the context toolbar.
    The applied category for selected reference planes is removed.