Open the structural assembly.
In the tree, right-click the root product and select .
The Review dialog box appears.
Enter the required details and click OK.
The review is created and added in the tree. For more information about creating review, see Design Synthesis User's Guide: Managing Reviews: Creating a Review.
- Double-click the root product.
From the Tools section of the action bar, click Sectioning
The Section command is activated. A context toolbar appears. For more information about different sectioning, see Design Synthesis User's Guide: Sectioning: Creating a Section.
On the
context toolbar, click Select Predefined Plane
The Select Predefined Plane dialog box appears.
- In the Select Predefined Plane dialog box:
- In the System list, select the required plane system.
- In the Plane list, select the required plane.
- In the Offset list, select the required offset plane.
- Click OK.
The section is created. When you create a section using predefined plane option, the name of the section plane is visible instead of the section name in the work area.