Using 3D Session Grid in Sketcher

You can use the 3D session grid in the Sketcher app.

Before you begin:
  • Create a reference plane system.
  • Set the reference plane system in Data Setup.
  • Create a structural assembly using the reference plane system that is set in Data Setup. Ensure that the 3D session grid is set in the Show mode.
  • In the Space Referential preferences, select Only if grid is already loaded in session from the Allow Sketcher to use 3D Session Grid list. For more information, see Space Referential.
  1. Open the structural assembly in Structure Design and double-click the representation node to activate the feature level.
  2. From the Geometry Tools section of the action bar, click Sketcher .
    The Sketch Positioning dialog box appears prompting you to select a planar support
  3. Select the required plane.
    You are switched to the Sketcher app.
  4. From the Sketch section of the action bar, click 3D Grid Parameters to use the current 3D grid instead of the Sketcher grid.
    The current 3D grid is displayed.
  5. Click Snap to Point to begin or end the sketch on the intersected points of the 3D grid.
  6. Right-click in the work area and select Display > App Options.
    The App Options panel appears.
  7. In the User Section Filter area, click Work On Support selection state to use the 3D grid lines as support.

    By default, this option is selected.

  8. Create the required sketch.
  9. Select a 3D grid line.
    The corresponding reference plane is highlighted and a context toolbar appears.
  10. Optional: Create the required intersection, offset, and constraints to the sketch by using the 3D grid lines.

    For more information, see Sketcher User's Guide: Working on Support.

  11. Click Exit app .
    You are switched to the Structure Design app. The sketch is created using the 3D session grid.