Using DataExchangePLMBatch

You can import and export files in batch mode via DataExchangePLMBatch.

Following file types are supported:

  • DXF/DWG 2D
  • IFC
  • IGES 2D
  • IGES 3D
  • OpenMiningFormat
  • STEP
  • SurpacDTM
  • SurpacSDM
  • SurpacSTR
  • XMpLant

This task shows you how to:

Start DataExchangePLMBatch

You can access DataExchangePLMBatch from the Batch Monitor.

Before you begin:
  • The prefix given in Creation preferences is not taken into account.
  • DataExchangePLMBatch in Remote mode does not support the import of STEP assemblies with external references, i.e. assemblies described in several STEP files. In this mode, only the root file of the assembly is processed, whereas the other files are not.
  • For STEP data, check recommended practices, licensing and application protocol requirements, under STEP Concepts in STEP Converter User's Guide.
  1. Start the Batch Monitor as explained in Batches.

    Refer to this section for any general information about batches.

  2. In the Batch Monitor box that appears, double-click DataExchangePLMBatch

Customize Options for DataExchangePLMBatch

You can customize the options for DataExchangePLMBatch according to your needs.

  1. From the top bar, select Me > Preferences, and then click the App Preferences tab.
  2. Customize the required options and click OK to exit the dialog box. They are found under
    • 3D Modeling > 3DEXPERIENCE Open for Converter for IGES and Converter for STEP or Extended STEP Interface.
    • 3D Modeling > Mechanical Systems for Drafting (DXF).
    • Social Collaborative > 3DEXPERIENCE Open for Converters.
    • 3D Modeling > Virtual Planet > Geosciences > Converters
    These options are saved by default under a CATSettings directory:
    • C:\Documents and Settings\[user]\Application Data\DassaultSystemes\CATSettings
    • or under a directory defined by your Administrator.
  3. Copy all the files of the CATSettinsg directory to a directory dedicated to the DataExchangePLMBatch.
  4. Start DataExchangePLMBatch and enter the path and name of your DataExchangePLMBatch options directory in Settings directory.

Import Files with DataExchangePLMBatch

You can import several files (STEP, 3D or 2D IGES, DXF, IFC or XMpLant) in batch mode.

  1. In the DataExchangePLMBatch dialog box, customize the options for import:
    1. In the Select the data exchange operation list, select Import.
    2. In the Choose one usage list, select the data exchange interface.
    3. Then select the extension for the file to be imported.

    • To allow the edition of a batch process to be run later and/or on another computer, all the usages and extensions corresponding to the formats that can be displayed in the Add > Import > File dialog box are proposed.
    • However, conversions are possible only if the licences corresponding to the selected usages/extensions are active.

  2. In Object Selection, click to browse your directories and enter the paths and names of the files to import.
    The selected files are displayed below.

Export Files with DataExchangePLMBatch

You can export several objects to one of the following formats STEP, 3D or 2D IGES, DXF or IFC, in batch mode.

Before you begin:

  • Only existing output directories can be selected.
  • If the output directory no longer exists when you run the batch process, a warning message appears.
  • You cannot change the output parameters for a file once you have added it to the list. However, you can delete it from the list, define new output parameters and add the file again.

  1. In the DataExchangePLMBatch dialog box, set the options for export:
    1. In the Select the data exchange operation list, select Export.
    2. In the Choose one usage list, select the data exchange interface.
    3. Then select the extension for the file to be created.

    • To allow the edition of a batch process to be run later and/or on another machine, all the usages and extensions corresponding to the non-3DEXPERIENCE CAD formats that can be displayed in the Share > Export dialog box are proposed.
    • However, conversions are possible only if the licences corresponding to the selected usages/extensions are active.

  2. In the Object Selection click to start the search.