What's New

This page describes recent changes in Converter for STEP and Extended STEP Interface.

This page discusses:

R2022x FD01 (FP.2205)

User Defined Attributes

User parameters defined within a Parameter Set at the root of the 3DShape of the 3DPart are taken into account as STEP User Defined Attributes at Part level.
Benefits: This enhancement lets you export all the knowledge parameters.
For more information, see About User Defined Attributes

Import and Export of Captures

Converter for STEP has been enhanced to support the visibility status of lists geometries that define a capture.

To do so

  • In Preferences, the option to support geometrical sets is moved from General to Export.
    Note: At import, geometrical sets found in the STEP file are always taken into account.
  • At export, an entity is considered as visualized by a capture if and only if it is visible on the screen when the capture is displayed: The entity and the hierarchy of its geometrical set are in Show.
  • At import of STEP files with captures and geometrical sets, displaying a capture activates the visualization of the geometrical sets.
  • At import of STEP files with captures without geometrical sets, displaying a capture activates the visualization of the geometrical sets that had been automatically created. Their organization may be different from the original.

Benefits: This enhancement supports the visibility status of
  • Captures with 3D Tolerancing & Annotation construction geometries
  • Captures with bodies (Solids)
  • Captures with geometrical sets (Shells, wires, points).
For more information, see STEP Exchange About 3D Annotations in Graphic Mode

R2022x GA

AP242 Ed2 - Composites Data

AP 424 ed2 is now supported and accessible from the Application Protocol (AP) Preferences.

Benefits: The support of AP 242 ed2 enables the support of new types of Composites rosettes (Cartesian and Guided by Curve), and a new way to model the ply angle representation.
For more information, see About Composites - AP242 Ed2 Export

Quality enhancement

The new Preferences option Enable data quality enhancement at export improves the quality of STEP data at export, according to specified parameters values.

A message in the report file explains which enhancements have been done. If quality enhancement fails, the original model is exported.
Benefits: This new option ensures the best possible quality of STEP data to be exchanged with other systems.
For more information, see Export