Assessing the Sustainability Metrics

You can view the predefined metrics, drill-down, and analyze data.

To filter on structure, you can decide on which configuration the assessment is applied. Once you select a configuration, the assessment roll-up starts. The rolled-up value versus the objective value is displayed on the configured element.

This task shows you how to:

Display the Metrics

You can display the multi-KPI dashboard in Sustainability Assessment.

  1. From the Compass, drag the Sustainability Assessment app to your dashboard.
  2. Search for an element containing metric values in the 3DSearch and drag it onto Sustainability Assessment.
    The environmental metrics are displayed.

    Note: The label contour of the metrics is:
    • Gray (no contour) when no objective has been defined for this element.
    • Green when the objective is reached.
    • Yellow when the objective is in the minimum - maximum interval.
    • Red when the metric has an objective but no value, or when the objective is not reached, or out of the minimum - maximum interval.
  3. Optional: Select a configuration.
    If several configurations are available for this item, you can select one of them. You can also compare different configurations.
    Tip: When your component has more than six configurations, a search box is displayed and you can filter the list.

    The web app displays the consolidated metrics for this item. If you click the thumbnail, a tooltip displays the metric values.

  4. Optional: To verify the server status, click Check server status and select Dispatcher, Orpheus Controller and Orpheus Instance.
    You can see blue indicators when the status is valid, or gray indicators when it is not. A tooltip indicates what you should do or provides the index scan date.
  5. To display all the hierarchic levels of the metrics (relationships), click Cockpit Hierarchy .

When a label is selected, the metric name is displayed at the top of the window (Global Scoring > Environmental Footprint).

Assess the Sustainability Metrics

You can see the detailed analytics of the sustainability metrics.

  1. Click the Environmental Footprint's metric label.
  2. Compare the environmental metrics of the item and the defined targets.
    The following information is displayed:
    • Environmental Footprint:
    • Objective: Value to reach for the selected element. There is not any value nor assessment gauge when objectives have not been defined (see the image below).
    • Tolerance: Statistical consolidation of tolerances on children.
    • Confidence: Consolidation of the confidence percentage.
    • Budget: Sum of all budgets defined on every level of the structure.
      Tip: Click More Details to visualize other analytics such as Tolerance and Budget.
    • Assessment gauge chart: An assessment of a specific metric regarding its objectives. A colored gauge replaces the image with the "No objectives defined" information, when objectives have been specified. For more information, see About the Assessment Gauge.
    • Structural distribution: A pie chart to focus on the sustainability distribution for the selected element. For more information, see Structural Distribution.
    • Analytics: A pie chart to verify the types associated to the metric. See Access Complementary Analytics Information
    • Environmental Footprint breakdown: A trend chart appears only if you added metrics to the timeline before. You can select other attributes in the list. See Display the Timeline Chart.
  3. To go back to the sustainability metrics' page, click Global Scoring .

Structural Distribution

You can see the metric structural distribution in an assembly and drill-down to the metric structure from an item.

You can display its consolidated metric information in a pie chart or multi-list view, and customize it in the Sustainability Assessment apps only.

  1. Click the label of the metric.
  2. Select Structural Distribution to get an assessment of an item from the assembly in a dedicated tab. You can display the assessment in a pie chart view (default option) or in a multilist view:
    • Pie chart view:

      By default, the pie chart view is displayed.

    • Multilist view (example of a Cost metric).

    • Note: You can switch between the pie chart view and the multilist view by clicking the button or in the right corner of the panel.

      The multilist view is available for all the assessment apps and provides all the metrics in a single view along with its drill-down. There are headers and subheaders for each metric based on the cockpit. You can customize the display of the headers by selecting the following contextual commands on the cells. For more information, see the next step.

      The first column displays the title header of the item along with its revision and its structure in a tree. The multilist view also displays data coming from different facets, for example: Manufacturing, Operation etc. The data coming from the facet is one level below the context item. A mask appears on the type icon: .

      The second column displays the metric values along with the assessment icon (only if the objective is set).

      Assessment Icon Assessment Detail

      On Target

      If the value and its objective are the same.

      Over or Under Target

      If the value is outside target range of the objective.

      Within Target

      If the value is within the target range of the objective but is not the targeted value. This case is specific to the objective within range.

    • Here is an example of an assessment icon:

    You obtain, for example, a consolidated metric information of a metric from its Engineering or Manufacturing structure.

    Note: The drill-down is always one level.
  3. Click an element either in the pie chart or in the dedicated tab and select a contextual command.
    Open in a new tab Launches the selected item in a separate tab of the assessment app.
    Drill down into this element Opens one level drill-down to reveal the child items and its metrics.
    Select in 3D

    Cross-highlights the selected item in the 3D Navigate app.

    Note: This command is only available when the assessment app has been paired with the 3D Navigate app.
    Cancel selection and reveal

    Removes the cross-highlighting after the Select in 3D command is executed.

    Note: This command is only available when the assessment app has been paired with a 3D Navigate app.
  4. To customize the multilist view columns, select the Column Customization contextual command.

    A panel is displayed containing two tabs:

    • Metric : Displays the entire metrics specific to the cockpit in a numbered list. You can select one or several metrics. Your selection is persistent for the given widget. At least one metric should be selected, otherwise an error message appears.
    • Metric Info : Displays a selection list containing the Value, Confidence, Tolerance, Budget, Objective, and Assessment parameters. The Value option is selected by default and cannot be cleared. Your selection is also persistent. You can reorder the Metric Info subheader in the multilist view through column customization. This can be achieved by going to the Metric Info tab and by dragging the lines to rearrange them.

  5. To sort the columns, click a header.
    A button appears to select the ascending or descending order. The sorting is always level by level.
  6. Repeat this operation to drill down on another structure.
  7. To go back to the page of weight, center of gravity, and inertia matrix metrics, click Assessment .

Access Complementary Analytics Information

You can filter complementary analytics information.

  1. Click the sustainability's metric label.
  2. Click Analytics .
  3. From the list on the right side of the window, select an analytics to display its various categories in the pie chart.
    The list contains the following analytics:
    Analytics Description
    Missing Describes the occurrences on which a metric value is missing or has to be ignored by the user. Three categories are defined: Missing Value, Valued and Ignored.
    Phase-wise distribution Analytics showing various phases of lifecycle impacting the metric.
    Threshold Percentage is a value defined in the data model. By default, the value is 70%, but it can be modified in the matrix query language. For more information, see the cookbook available in the directory called DES server installation runtime: [INSTALLDIR]\Scala\Cookbook - How to define a new Balance type vXX.pdf. Two categories are defined: Below and Over the threshold. Depending on whether the sustainability confidence value is over the threshold or not, the value corresponds to one category or another.
    Reaching targets Displays the number of occurrences belonging to the Sustainability Bill of Material according to their reaching target status in a pie chart.

    There are four status categories:

    • Reached: the occurrences have a target and have reached the target.
    • Failed: the occurrences have a target but do not reach the target.
    • No value: the occurrences have a target but no value.
    • No objective: the occurrences do not have a target.

    An occurrence reaches its target if:

    • Its value is between the minimum and maximum values defined for the objective.
    • The metric behavior is “LowerReach” (like for the sustainability) and the value is below the objective or the maximum objective.
    • The metric behavior is “UpperReach” (like for the Power creation) and the value is over the objective or the minimum objective.

    Note: If an occurrence is not part of the Sustainability Bill of Material because its father overloads the values, this occurrence is not taken into consideration in the pie chart.

    When you hover over a category in the pie chart, the occurrences belonging to this category are colored in the work area:

    • Red: for occurrences belonging to the Failed category.
    • Green: for occurrences belonging to the Reached category.
    • Orange: for occurrences belonging to the No value category.
    Tip: Selecting Reveal all categories colorizes all occurrences according to their reaching target status.

    Top Human Activity Impact A sankey diagram displaying the top ten human activities impacting the metric.
    Human Activities Solving Quality analytics display the number of activities accurately solved.
    Environmental footprint breakdown Values breakdown on the metric hierarchy.
    Note: The administrator can customize this list to display other analytics. For more information, see the cookbook available in the DES server installation runtime directory: [INSTALLDIR]\Scala\Cookbook - How to define a new Balance type vXX.pdf.
  4. Look at the Analytics pie chart to assess the metric of the chosen analytics.

    Declared value of Life Cycle

    Estimated value of Life Cycle

    Computed value of Life Cycle

  5. To go back to the sustainability metrics' page, click Global Scoring .

Add to the Timeline

You can take a snapshot of the current metric values for future comparisons.

Before you begin: This command is available only if no configuration has been selected.
  1. Click the sustainability's metric label.
  2. Click Add to the Timeline .

    The trend information is stored in the analytics magnitude.

  3. To compare the business values of the metric with previous ones, select the Environmental Footprint breakdown for example. The analytics trends can also be displayed by selecting other items in the list: Missing Trend, Phase Wise Distribution Trend, Threshold Trend, Reaching targets Trend, Top Human Activity Impact Trend, Human Activities Solving Trend or Environmental footprint breakdown Trend.
  4. To go back to the Sustainability metrics' page, click Global Scoring .

Display the Timeline Chart

You can activate a timeline chart to compare the metric value with the objectives.

When a specific configuration of the item has been selected, the history is stored and retrieved directly from the configuration. Thus the history is different when the user has selected the element itself, or a specific configuration of the element.

  1. Select only one metric.
  2. Click Timeline .
    The trend chart displays the following information:
    • A black curve represents the objectives. If no objective is stored in the trend, the black curve does not appear.
    • A gray surface represents the minimum and maximum values of the objective.
    • A curve in light blue represents the metric value.
    • A blue surface represents the tolerance value associated to the value.
  3. Click Take a snapshot .
    The information is stored in the analytics magnitude. For more information, see Add to the Timeline.
  4. To visualize the previous sustainability analytics, select a trend, Sustainability Trend for example, in the list above the trend.
    In the list, you can select the following dimensions: Missing Trend, Phase Wise Distribution Trend, Threshold Trend, Reaching targets Trend, Top Human Activity Impact Trend, Human Activities Solving Trend or Environmental footprint breakdown Trend.

    The chart displays a legend for the metric objectives, the values, and the trend of the selected dimension.

    The surfaces corresponding to the minimum and maximum values of the objective and to the tolerance for the metric value, are not displayed.

    The analytics magnitude is the same as the one of the metric's, including two axes: time and metric magnitude. When you select Missing Trend, a third axis called Occurrences appears on the right side of the timeline chart:

    Tip: Left-click over the chart and drag to zoom in the trend. Click Reset zoom to switch back to the normal view.

  5. To go back to the sustainability metrics' page, click Global Scoring .

Display the Prediction Chart

To assess the risks or opportunities for the sustainability metric, you can activate a forecast timeline.

  1. Select a metric.
  2. Click Anticipate .
    A time chart displays the following information:

    Target value line: The black line appears on the chart when a target exists.

    Worst case curve: A combination of all possible risks.

    Best case curve: A combination of all possible opportunities.

    All events occur curve: A combination of opportunities and risks without considering probabilities.

    Statistical Prediction curve: A combination of opportunities and risks considering their probabilities.

    Notes: You can hover over the points on the red or green lines to see the risks or opportunities' name and value.

Compare two Items

You can compare the metrics of two or more selected items. You can also compare different configurations of an item.

  1. Select two items (or two configurations) in the 3DDashboard and drag them onto Sustainability Assessment.
    There is a tab per items/root.
  2. Click a metric label.
  3. Click Add to Comparison .
    Two labels are displayed with the names of the selected items.
  4. To have access to other commands, click the name of an item.
  5. Click Add to comparison to add the item to the comparison chart.

    A new tab entitled Comparison appears.

    If the number of metrics is less or equal to two, you obtain a bar chart:

    If the number of metrics is more than two, you obtain a spider chart:

    Tip: If you hover over the chart, a tooltip displays the metric values.

  6. To drill down and change the way the chart is displayed, click one of the metrics.
  7. To hide a bar, click its legend at the bottom of the chart.
  8. To remove an item from comparison, click or select Remove from comparison from the tab's list.
  9. To go back to the sustainability metrics' page, click Global Scoring .