Defining Trend Milestones

You can set non official milestones to follow the evolution of metrics at specific dates of the project. Milestones are set in the Product Performance Assessment app.

You can take snapshots of metric trends at key dates of a project and add them to the project timeline. Non-official milestones do not have to be set at the same date and time as the project milestones.

See Also
Defining Objective Values
  1. From the Data Intelligence section of the action bar, click Sustainability Assessment .
  2. In the tree, select either:
    • A root product to display the metrics of every subproduct within the root.
    • A subproduct to display the metrics for this specific entity.
  3. Select one of the key indicators.
  4. In the menu of the product tab, click Publish a non-official Milestone.
  5. Enter the name of the milestone and click Declare.

    Note: You can also specify the name of the project and a description.

  6. Click Timeline to display the non-official milestone in the project timeline. For more information, see Display the Timeline Chart.

    Note: Non-official milestones are represented by doted blue lines.