Installing 3DSwym Index

This section explains how to install 3DSwym Index which indexes 3DSwym content, on a machine separate from the other 3DSwym products.

On Linux, you must log in as a user having admin rights.

On Windows, you must belong to the Administrators group or have the privileges assigned to the Administrators group

Before you begin:

By default, database passwords entered during the installation procedure will be encrypted, and the encrypted passwords will be stored in the appropriate configuration file. An encryption key will be generated automatically in:

<3DSwymInstallPath>\win_b64\3dd.cipher (Windows)

<3DSwymInstallPath>/linux_a64/3dd.cipher (Linux).

To disable password encryption, set the following environment variable before starting the installation:


If you disable encryption, passwords will remain in plain text in the configuration file.

Note that you cannot set DS_ENCRYPT_PASSWORD=0 to disable encryption if upgrading an installation that is already encrypted.

During the installation on Windows, the 3DSwym Index server is installed. During the installation, the following message is displayed:

Required package not installed
The required package 'Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 SP1
Redistributable Package (x64).exe is not yet installed on this system
Do you want to install it now ?
Yes No Cancel

The package is required, and this operation will require administrator credentials.

The 3DSwym Index server needs a continuous range of 100 TCP ports to operate correctly. Note that ports 32768 through 61000 are already used by many Linux kernels as ephemeral ports. The file system path /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_local_port_range contains the range in use. By default, the 3DSpace Index server runs on a port range of 29000-29100. If the ip_local_port_range specified is within this range, other client connections will come in and use a port between 29000 and 29100 resulting in the server not being able to start/restart.

  1. Procure the media for your operating system, and prepare to install the software as explained in the DS Installer Guide.

    The name of the installation media is:

    • on Windows
    • 3DSwym-V6R2022x.Linux64.tar.gz on Linux

  2. Untar/unzip the media to create the following directory:

    • 3DSwym.Windows64 on Windows
    • 3DSwym.Linux64 on Linux.

  3. Change to the distribution directory.

    The directory is:

    • 3DSwym.Windows64/1 on Windows
    • 3DSwym.Linux64/1 on Linux

    then start the installation as follows:

    • Windows: double-click setup.exe
    • Linux: ./ for the GUI, or ./

    The installation procedure then starts:

    Note: The dialog boxes are the same on both Windows and Linux.

    Click Next.

  4. Specify the installation directory.

    The default values are:

    • C:\DassaultSystemes\R2022x\3DSwym on Windows
    • /usr/DassaultSystemes/R2022x/3DSwym on Linux.
    Note: The installation path cannot contain any space characters.

    If you accept the default destination folder, click Next, or click Browse... button and select the desired destination folder. The folder you choose must be empty. You can also specify a new folder.

    Click Next.

  5. Select 3DSwym Index from the list.

    Click Next.

  6. Specify if you want to install embedded Java.

    A JDK is required to install the service.

    Java is used by:

    • the installation program
    • the 3DSwym Foundation : TomEE (for 3DSwym Content, Widget Platform and Rich Media Server web applications)
    • the 3DSwym Video Converter : the external converter daemon.

    The This install is for Testing or Demonstration purposes only (it uses an embedded JDK check box is not selected by default.

    If you select the check box, the embedded JDK will be installed in:

    • C:\DassaultSystemes\R2022x\3DWwym\win_b64\code\serverjre on Windows
    • /usr/DassaultSystemes/R2022x/3DSwym/linux_a64/code/serverjre on Linux.

    Choosing embedded Java automatically implies also choosing embedded TomEE+.

    Click Next.

  7. If you did not check the This install is for Testing or Demonstration purposes only (it uses an embedded JDK check box, you must specify the Java Home path.

    This is the location of your Java Development Kit (JDK).

    On Windows, the Java location will be automatically detected.

    If you use a local Certificate Authority, register your certificates in this Java store using the keytool utility.

    Click Next.

  8. Specify the paths.

    • the shared directory name to be used for storing data; the default is: C:\DassaultSystemes\3DSwymData on Windows and /share/DassaultSystemes/3DSwymData on Linux. This folder must already exist.

      We recommend that you use a mounted path for the shared directory. This method is required when each 3DSwym component is installed on a different machine. This is useful when large amounts of data need to be saved, and also facilitates management of a load balanced environment.

      need to be saved, and also facilitates management of a load balanced environment.

    • the log directory containing application logs; the default is: C:\DassaultSystemes\R2022x\3DSwym\3DSwymLog on Windows and /var/log/DassaultSystemes/3DSwym on Linux
    • the temporary directory used for 3DSwym runtime files; the default is: C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Temp\Dassault Systemes\3DSwym on Windows and /tmp/DassaultSystemes/3DSwym on Linux

    Click Next.

  9. Specify the previously configured, dedicated URL endpoints for the 3DEXPERIENCE platform services.

    Note: Do not use uppercase characters in the URLs (standard form specified in RFC3986).

    Before you do so, check the following:

    • the URLs must contain Fully Qualified Domain Names (FQDN)
    • the URLs must start with http(s):// (and not ftp or other); note that all URLs are https:// except Full Text Search
    • 3DPassport, 3DDashboard, 3DSwym, 3DComment and 3DNotification must have a root URI if you install all the services on the same machine
    • 3DCompass and 6WTags must have a root URI
    • If you install all the services on the same machine, the ports must be different.

    Sample URLs (if the services are installed on different machines) are:

    • 3DPassport service URL: the default is: https://3dpassport.mydomain:443/3dpassport
    • 3DSwym Index configuration URL: the default is: http://3dswym.fulltextsearch.mydomain:29000
    • 3DDashboard service URL: the default is: https://3ddashboard.mydomain:443/3ddashboard
    • 3DCompass service URL: the default is: https://3dspace.mydomain:443/3dspace
    • 6WTags service URL: the default is: https://3dspace.mydomain:443/3dspace
    • 3DSwym service URL: the default is: https://3dswym.mydomain:443/3dswym
    • 3DComment service URL: the default is: https://3dcomment.mydomain:443/3dcomment
    • 3DNotification service URL: the default is: https://3dnotification.mydomain:443/3dnotification

    The license control service URL (default is: https://dsls.mydomain:4085) will only appear if the DSLicSrv.txt file is not present in C:\ProgramData\DassaultSystemes\Licenses (Windows) or /var/DassaultSystemes/Licenses (Linux). The DSLicSrv.txt file will then be created in the correct location, and will contain, for example: dsls.mydomain:4085. The user performing the installation must have write access to the directory containing the file.

    Click Next.

  10. If you are using embedded Java, specify the certificate location.

    This directory contains the certificates to import into the JVM used by TomEE+.

    The default is:

    • C:\Windows\Temp\DassaultSystemes on Windows
    • /tmp/DassaultSystemes on Linux.

    If you leave the path empty, you can import the certificates manually later as a post-installation step. For more information see Installation and Setup: Install: 3DEXPERIENCE Platform: Reconfiguring the 3DEXPERIENCE Platform Installation.

    Click Next.

  11. Select the database type you are using and specify the database connection parameters.

    You can choose between Oracle and SQL Server on both Windows and Linux.

    Some of the settings will not be displayed if you already performed a 3DSwym Foundation installation (during which you already specified these settings). For more details, see Installing 3DSwym Foundation.


    Administrator name
    Administrator user name that will be used for 6WTags indexing. This username must be created in 3DPassport as explained in Installation and Setup: Install: 3DEXPERIENCE Platform: Installing 3DEXPERIENCE Platform Services for the First Time: Installing Services One-by-One: 3DPassport: Post-Installation: Creating End User Passport Data Manually in the Local Database and 3DSpace, and must have administrator rights in 3DSpace. We recommend that you keep the default admin_platform user as it is automatically created with the correct rights.
    Administrator password
    Administrator user password that will be used for 6WTags indexing.
    Warning: To change the Administrator and Password, use the Reconfiguration tool. For more information, see Installation and Setup: Install: 3DEXPERIENCE Platform: Reconfiguring the 3DEXPERIENCE Platform Installation.

    • If you are using SQL Server, specify the database connection parameters:

      SQL Server Server Name: Host[\Instance][:Port]
      SQL Server database hostname. The default is localhost\SQLSERVER.
      • 3DSwym uses a TCP/IP connection to SQL Server, so the default 1433 port (or another) needs to be configured using SQL Server Configuration Manager.
      • Indicate additional database connection properties required to support encryption for instance: localhost\SQLSERVER;encrypt=true;sslProtocol=TLSv1.2

        Make sure the SQL Server certificate is imported in the Java keystore of the service.

      SQL Server Database Name for 3DSwym Content
      Database schema name you must already have created as explained in Create Databases and Database Users. The default is x3dswym_social. It should be empty in the case of a fresh install from scratch.
      Database user name for 3DSwym
      Database user name you created already as explained in Create Databases and Database Users. The default is x3ds.
      Database user password for 3DSwym
      Database user password.
    • If you are using Oracle, specify the database connection parameters.

      Specify the directory containing tnsnames.ora and the Net service name OR only the full service URL (//Host[:Port]/service_name)

      The directory of tnsnames.ora
      Specify the tnsnames.ora path. It is usually located in <Oracle_Home>/network/admin. We recommend that you use the tnsnames.ora file method for specifying database name details.
      Net Service Name (with tnsnames.ora) or //Host[:Port]/service_name for 3DSwym Content

      The default is //localhost:1521/DBSOCIAL.

      Database user name for 3DSwym Content
      Database user name which you created already as explained in Create Databases and Database Users. The default is x3dswym.
      Database user password for 3DSwym Content
      Database user password.
  12. Specify the CloudView parameters.

    The parameters are:

    • the CloudView administrator password: this is the password for the administrator of the CloudView administrator console. The default password is exalead.
    • the CloudView data directory for storing CloudView data.

      CloudView data will increase based on the total data available on the server. When the amount of data increases, you will be forced to find more space. And increased space on the same machine may affect performance. The best overall solution for volume management is to relegate this to a NAS or SAN infrastructure. This allows you to quickly upgrade the compute hardware without impacting the storage tier.

    Click Next.

  13. Review your installation choices, then click Install to install the files.

    CloudView is automatically started at the end of the installation.

    After a standard installation, as soon as CloudView starts, an initial indexation processes default data. Then, an incremental indexation, scheduled almost every minute, is launched to index new data and as they are created.