Forwarding Community's or Conversation's Content

You can forward the content below from a community to a conversation and vice versa.

  • From a community to a conversation: A post, a media, a question, an idea or a 3DStory.
  • From a conversation to a community: A post or a media.

Before you begin:
  • You must have Author (author of the content) or Owner rights.
  • The users of the target community or conversation must have the required rights on the forwarded media.
  • See 3DSwym Roles to know more about your Create, Read, Update, and Delete rights while working with communities and conversations.
  1. In the top right corner of the content, select Menu > Forward.
  2. In the Forward content to dialog box, select either of the following:

    • Communities, and click the Select a community field.
    • Conversations, and in the Find a conversation field, enter the name of the target conversation. Results appear as you type.

    Important: Make sure the users of the target community or conversation have the required rights on the media used in the 3DStory. If they do not, click edit the content to either remove or replace it. If you replace it, select the media on which the target users have the required rights.

  3. Select a conversation in the search results or a community in the list, and click Forward.

    Note: You can select the same source conversation or community as target.

The selected content is transferred to the selected conversation or community.

The content is duplicated. There is no content synchronization between both, source and target content.