Open the idea.
At the bottom of the body of the idea, click Transfer this idea to an
app >
In the Transfer this idea dialog box, select a category in the
first choice list. For example, a requirement.
Depending on the selected category, the proposed choices may vary. For example, if you
select Requirement, then you will only have to select a
collaborative space. For more information about the available choices when selecting a
different category, see the target app to which you want to transfer your idea.
If you have several collaborative spaces and you do not want to transfer the idea to
the one that is proposed by default, select one in the list.
Click Transfer your idea to a [Name of the target
The idea is transferred to the selected app. For example, if
you have selected Requirement the idea will be transferred to
Requirements Manager.
A link to the object is created in the
target app at the bottom of the body of the idea that is visible to all the users. You can
still comment the idea but you cannot edit or delete it unless you click
in front of the link.
See the target app User's Assistance to know more about how to interact
with the created content in the given app.