From the Tools section of the action bar,
click 2D Output
In the dialog box, select Type as MBD or 2D Drawing.
If you select MBD, it creates a print of 3D view, and if you select 2D Drawing, it
prints the drawing sheet. You can click the three dots menu to select or
clear all the selections.
Choose a destination to place the output file for print.
- 3DDrive- You can choose a location in 3DDrive to store the file. To get the link
of the location, turn on Get link to file in 3DDrive.
- File Disk- The file gets downloaded into the browser default location.
Enter a file name.
Select a file format.
Expand PDF Options, and select a sheet format.
Select a sheet size for the output.
You can choose from 10 sizes: (A4 to A0) or (ASME A to E). You can also enter the
dimension values in either inches or millimeters.
Select an orientation.
Select a color option for print.
To exclude background color in the print, select the check box for Exclude
background color.
If excluded, background color turns white. By default the check box is
Select the pages to print.
By default, all pages are printed.
Click Export.
The PDF file is generated at the specified location with each sheet having only
one image that was resized to fit that sheet. For MBD, each view is printed in a page
and for 2D drawing, each sheet is printed in a page.