Locking an Object or Branch

When working with objects, you may want an exclusive lock so that no others users can change the objects you are working with. You can unlock specific objects as well as branches and module versions.

The Lock module branch dialog box is used to lock a module version on a specified module branch. Locking the branch is useful when creating new branches, creating or deleting tags, or adding to, deleting from, or copying a module's metadata. By locking the module version, you insure that no one else can alter the data while you make your changes.

The Lock module dialog box is available when a module-base directory is selected in the client work area or a module branch is selected on the server.

  • You cannot lock a module version on the server.
  • If a module branch contains members that are themselves locked, then you can only lock that branch if you are the lock owner for all those locked members.

Other objects are locked as the result of commands that allow you to specify a "locked copies" option.

This task shows you how to:

See Also
Unlocking an Object or Branch
Cancelling a Checkout