About Cost Process Export

Below is some information about the configuration file used to export process data and about the result XML file.

This page discusses:

See Also
Exporting Process Data to an XML File

Configuration File: General Information

You can customize the configuration file that describes the attributes created on each feature of the process.

It contains one root node <Attributes>. This node lists all the attributes nodes to convert into knowledge parameters in Die Face Design data model. For example:

<Attribute Target="MethodPlan" ID="MethodPlan_UserName" DisplayName="Name, Departement" DefaultValue="" Level="1" Type="STRING"/>

The node name must be Attribute. Attributes specify where the knowledge parameter is created, as well as some other information.

This is the parent of the parameter. It can be:
  • MethodPlan (Process Method Plan Feature)
  • Tool (Process Action/Tool)
  • Operation (Process Step)
  • AxisSystem (Axis System)
  • GeometricalResult (Process Result Geometry)
Used as type filter. It can be:
  • For AxisSystem target
    • Cam to specify that the parameter is only for cam axis system.
  • For Tool target
    • Cam to specify that the parameter is only for tools on cams
    • FoldType, for Tool target and flanging tool
    • CutType, for Tool target and cutting tool
    • InnerCut, for Tool target and inner cutting tool
    • Additional, for Tool target and additional tool
    • Die, for Tool target and die tool
    • DieInsert, for Tool target and die insert tool
    • PunchInsert, for Tool target and punch tool
    • BlankHolder, for Tool target and blank holder tool
  • For GeometricalResult target
    • CuttingLine
    • CuttingHole
    • StampedSurface
    • FoldedSurface
    • ScrapLine
    • ScrapHole
It is unique. Some IDs are automatically computed.
  • MethodPlan_Material: Materials of blank, separated by ; if several
  • MethodPlan_Thickness: Thicknesses, separated by ; if several
  • MethodPlan_NbSteps: Nb of process steps
  • MethodPlan_PartAreas: Areas of input parts
  • MethodPlan_Name: Part Name
  • Tool_Depth: Computed max depth of the drawn area in the draw direction
  • Tool_Width: Dimension of the drawn area along tool X direction
  • Tool_Height: Dimension of the drawn area along tool Y direction
  • Tool_Punch_Area: Computed area of draw punch. If no detailed geometry exists, uses the area of the drawn area.
  • Tool_Punch_Outline: Dimension of the boundary of the punch. If no detailed geometry exists, uses the length of the drawn area boundary.
  • Tool_Binder_Area: If a detailed geometry exists, uses the area of the specified geometry.
  • Tool_Die_Area: Sum of all Tool_Binder_Area and Tool_Punch_Area of the same OP.
  • Tool_Cut_Type: Type of cut. Automatically set to outer or inner. Other types are manual.
  • Tool_Cut_Length: Length of the cut area, including scrap area.
  • Tool_Cut_NbRoundHoles: Number of cut round holes
  • Tool_Cut_NbFormHoles: Number of cut free form holes
  • Tool_Cam_Slope: Angle from the cam Z direction to the press table
  • Tool_Forming_Area: Area of the formed area
  • Tool_Forming_Edge_Length: Length of the folding line, intersection of the formed area and the fixed area.
Display name of the parameter.
Default value of the parameter.
If Level=1, the value is required for export. Otherwise it is not mandatory.
Knowledge Type or GEOMETRY
For type COMBO, list of possible values.

Configuration File: Custom Geometries

The type GEOMETRY lets you define geometric containers inside the process data model to let you export custom geometry.

A geometry attribute can contain the following tags:

  • Target, SubTarget, and DisplayName.
  • ID: Must be unique. Some IDs contain a default computed geometry:
    • Punch_Contour: When creating a punch tool in the wizard, a punch contour is automatically computed using a convex polygon. The convex polygon is associated to the Punch_Contour custom geometry.
  • ExpectedDimension: Is used to limit the selection of geometric elements associated to the custom geometry.
  • AllowInfiniteItems: If set to 1, infinite geometries (such as planes) can be selected and associated to custom geometries.

Double-click a custom geometry in the tree to edit it.

You can specify:

  • A concept geometry that is a first draft of the custom geometry. This geometry is exported to the detailed part when using the proxy.
  • A detailed geometry that is the final custom geometry. This attribute is set automatically when using the Concept to Detail section of the wizard, by reading the Detailed Geometry set of the corresponding proxy. You can also specify it by hand. It overwrites the concept geometry when specified, and the custom geometry result is then the same as the detailed geometry.

In the process, the step and tools custom geometries are displayed at each step position. When updating, the step feature computes a translated version of each custom geometry and adds the result in the tree, thus displaying the custom geometry on each operation.

For a tool custom geometry, the step version of the geometry is displayed under its result node in the tree.

For a step custom geometry, it is displayed under the Result Custom Geometry node of the step.

Cost Export: Custom Geometries

The custom geometry for each OP or tool is exported with the following information:

  • For all: Center of gravity
  • For wireframes: Length
  • For surfaces: Area
  • For volumes: Volume.

Cost Export: Input Surfaces

A node <InputGeometries> under MethodPlan contains the input part, with specific geometrical information.

Cost Export: Step Position

The step position is exported with both intrinsic and extrinsic coordinates, to let you use the most suitable rotation value.

Cost Export: Example of XML Export File

<Process PartName = "[CATIA Blue] Process Part---.000" NumberOfBlanks = "1">   
<MethodPlan Name = "Process Method Plan.1">      
<PressDirection Name = "Press Direction.1">
         <OriginX Name = "[CATIA Blue] Process Part---.000\Method Plan.1\Press Direction.1\OriginX" Value = "0mm"/>
         <OriginY Name = "[CATIA Blue] Process Part---.000\Method Plan.1\Press Direction.1\OriginY" Value = "0mm"/>
         <OriginZ Name = "[CATIA Blue] Process Part---.000\Method Plan.1\Press Direction.1\OriginZ" Value = "0mm"/>
         <XAxisX Name = "[CATIA Blue] Process Part---.000\Method Plan.1\Press Direction.1\XAxisX" Value = "1"/>
         <XAxisY Name = "[CATIA Blue] Process Part---.000\Method Plan.1\Press Direction.1\XAxisY" Value = "0"/>
         <XAxisZ Name = "[CATIA Blue] Process Part---.000\Method Plan.1\Press Direction.1\XAxisZ" Value = "0"/>
         <YAxisX Name = "[CATIA Blue] Process Part---.000\Method Plan.1\Press Direction.1\YAxisX" Value = "0"/>
         <YAxisY Name = "[CATIA Blue] Process Part---.000\Method Plan.1\Press Direction.1\YAxisY" Value = "1"/>
         <YAxisZ Name = "[CATIA Blue] Process Part---.000\Method Plan.1\Press Direction.1\YAxisZ" Value = "0"/>
         <ZAxisX Name = "[CATIA Blue] Process Part---.000\Method Plan.1\Press Direction.1\ZAxisX" Value = "0"/>
         <ZAxisY Name = "[CATIA Blue] Process Part---.000\Method Plan.1\Press Direction.1\ZAxisY" Value = "0"/>
         <ZAxisZ Name = "[CATIA Blue] Process Part---.000\Method Plan.1\Press Direction.1\ZAxisZ" Value = "1"/>
         <Date Name = "Date" Value = ""/>
         <Naming Name = "Naming" Value = "[CATIA Blue] Process Part---.000"/>
         <Material Name = "Material" Value = "Aluminium"/>
         <Thickness Name = "Thickness" Value = "2mm"/>
         <Nb_Operations Name = "Nb Operations" Value = "4"/>
         <Part_Areas Name = "Part Areas" Value = "163552.691mm2"/>
      <Operation Name = "OP 10">
         <Positioning Name = "Feeder.1">
               <Tx Name = "Tx" Value = "1000mm"/>
               <Ty Name = "Ty" Value = "0mm"/>
               <Tz Name = "Tz" Value = "0mm"/>
               <Rx Name = "Rx" Value = "0deg"/>
               <Ry Name = "Ry" Value = "0deg"/>
               <Rz Name = "Rz" Value = "0deg"/>
               <Tx Name = "Tx" Value = "1000mm"/>
               <Ty Name = "Ty" Value = "0mm"/>
               <Tz Name = "Tz" Value = "0mm"/>
               <Rx Name = "Rx" Value = "0deg"/>
               <Ry Name = "Ry" Value = "0deg"/>
               <Rz Name = "Rz" Value = "0deg"/>
               <Tx Name = "Tx" Value = "0mm"/>
               <Ty Name = "Ty" Value = "0mm"/>
               <Tz Name = "Tz" Value = "0mm"/>
               <Rx Name = "Rx" Value = "0deg"/>
               <Ry Name = "Ry" Value = "0deg"/>
               <Rz Name = "Rz" Value = "0deg"/>
         <Tool Name = "Punch Tool.1">
            <Direction Name = "Press Direction.1">
               <OriginX Name = "[CATIA Blue] Process Part---.000\Method Plan.1\Press Direction.1\OriginX" Value = "0mm"/>
               <OriginY Name = "[CATIA Blue] Process Part---.000\Method Plan.1\Press Direction.1\OriginY" Value = "0mm"/>
               <OriginZ Name = "[CATIA Blue] Process Part---.000\Method Plan.1\Press Direction.1\OriginZ" Value = "0mm"/>
               <XAxisX Name = "[CATIA Blue] Process Part---.000\Method Plan.1\Press Direction.1\XAxisX" Value = "1"/>
               <XAxisY Name = "[CATIA Blue] Process Part---.000\Method Plan.1\Press Direction.1\XAxisY" Value = "0"/>
               <XAxisZ Name = "[CATIA Blue] Process Part---.000\Method Plan.1\Press Direction.1\XAxisZ" Value = "0"/>
               <YAxisX Name = "[CATIA Blue] Process Part---.000\Method Plan.1\Press Direction.1\YAxisX" Value = "0"/>
               <YAxisY Name = "[CATIA Blue] Process Part---.000\Method Plan.1\Press Direction.1\YAxisY" Value = "1"/>
               <YAxisZ Name = "[CATIA Blue] Process Part---.000\Method Plan.1\Press Direction.1\YAxisZ" Value = "0"/>
               <ZAxisX Name = "[CATIA Blue] Process Part---.000\Method Plan.1\Press Direction.1\ZAxisX" Value = "0"/>
               <ZAxisY Name = "[CATIA Blue] Process Part---.000\Method Plan.1\Press Direction.1\ZAxisY" Value = "0"/>
               <ZAxisZ Name = "[CATIA Blue] Process Part---.000\Method Plan.1\Press Direction.1\ZAxisZ" Value = "1"/>
               <Tool_Depth Name = "Tool Depth" Value = "59.401mm"/>
               <Tool_Width Name = "Tool Width" Value = "469.288mm"/>
               <Tool_Height Name = "Tool Height" Value = "713.548mm"/>
               <Die Name = "Die" Value = ""/>
               <Punch_Area Name = "Punch Area" Value = "163505.283mm2"/>
               <Punch_Outline Name = "Punch Outline" Value = "2504.563mm"/>
      <Operation Name = "OP 20">
         <Positioning Name = "Feeder.2">
               <Tx Name = "Tx" Value = "2000mm"/>
               <Ty Name = "Ty" Value = "0mm"/>
               <Tz Name = "Tz" Value = "0mm"/>
               <Rx Name = "Rx" Value = "0deg"/>
               <Ry Name = "Ry" Value = "0deg"/>
               <Rz Name = "Rz" Value = "0deg"/>
               <Tx Name = "Tx" Value = "1000mm"/>
               <Ty Name = "Ty" Value = "0mm"/>
               <Tz Name = "Tz" Value = "0mm"/>
               <Rx Name = "Rx" Value = "0deg"/>
               <Ry Name = "Ry" Value = "0deg"/>
               <Rz Name = "Rz" Value = "0deg"/>
               <Tx Name = "Tx" Value = "0mm"/>
               <Ty Name = "Ty" Value = "0mm"/>
               <Tz Name = "Tz" Value = "0mm"/>
               <Rx Name = "Rx" Value = "0deg"/>
               <Ry Name = "Ry" Value = "0deg"/>
               <Rz Name = "Rz" Value = "0deg"/>
         <Tool Name = "Inner Cut Tool.4">
            <Direction Name = "Press Direction.1">
               <OriginX Name = "[CATIA Blue] Process Part---.000\Method Plan.1\Press Direction.1\OriginX" Value = "0mm"/>
               <OriginY Name = "[CATIA Blue] Process Part---.000\Method Plan.1\Press Direction.1\OriginY" Value = "0mm"/>
               <OriginZ Name = "[CATIA Blue] Process Part---.000\Method Plan.1\Press Direction.1\OriginZ" Value = "0mm"/>
               <XAxisX Name = "[CATIA Blue] Process Part---.000\Method Plan.1\Press Direction.1\XAxisX" Value = "1"/>
               <XAxisY Name = "[CATIA Blue] Process Part---.000\Method Plan.1\Press Direction.1\XAxisY" Value = "0"/>
               <XAxisZ Name = "[CATIA Blue] Process Part---.000\Method Plan.1\Press Direction.1\XAxisZ" Value = "0"/>
               <YAxisX Name = "[CATIA Blue] Process Part---.000\Method Plan.1\Press Direction.1\YAxisX" Value = "0"/>
               <YAxisY Name = "[CATIA Blue] Process Part---.000\Method Plan.1\Press Direction.1\YAxisY" Value = "1"/>
               <YAxisZ Name = "[CATIA Blue] Process Part---.000\Method Plan.1\Press Direction.1\YAxisZ" Value = "0"/>
               <ZAxisX Name = "[CATIA Blue] Process Part---.000\Method Plan.1\Press Direction.1\ZAxisX" Value = "0"/>
               <ZAxisY Name = "[CATIA Blue] Process Part---.000\Method Plan.1\Press Direction.1\ZAxisY" Value = "0"/>
               <ZAxisZ Name = "[CATIA Blue] Process Part---.000\Method Plan.1\Press Direction.1\ZAxisZ" Value = "1"/>
               <Tool_Depth Name = "Tool Depth" Value = "4.474e-006mm"/>
               <Tool_Width Name = "Tool Width" Value = "63.371mm"/>
               <Tool_Height Name = "Tool Height" Value = "55.866mm"/>
               <Die Name = "Die" Value = ""/>
               <Cut_Type Name = "Cut Type" Value = "Pierce/Inner Cutting"/>
               <Nb_Round_Holes Name = "Nb Round Holes" Value = "0"/>
               <Nb_Form_Holes Name = "Nb Form Holes" Value = "1"/>
               <Cut_Length Name = "Cut Length" Value = "201.2mm"/>
               <Nb_Scrap_Cutters Name = "Nb Scrap Cutters" Value = "0"/>
         <Tool Name = "Inner Cut Tool.7">
            <Direction Name = "Press Direction.1">
               <OriginX Name = "[CATIA Blue] Process Part---.000\Method Plan.1\Press Direction.1\OriginX" Value = "0mm"/>
               <OriginY Name = "[CATIA Blue] Process Part---.000\Method Plan.1\Press Direction.1\OriginY" Value = "0mm"/>
               <OriginZ Name = "[CATIA Blue] Process Part---.000\Method Plan.1\Press Direction.1\OriginZ" Value = "0mm"/>
               <XAxisX Name = "[CATIA Blue] Process Part---.000\Method Plan.1\Press Direction.1\XAxisX" Value = "1"/>
               <XAxisY Name = "[CATIA Blue] Process Part---.000\Method Plan.1\Press Direction.1\XAxisY" Value = "0"/>
               <XAxisZ Name = "[CATIA Blue] Process Part---.000\Method Plan.1\Press Direction.1\XAxisZ" Value = "0"/>
               <YAxisX Name = "[CATIA Blue] Process Part---.000\Method Plan.1\Press Direction.1\YAxisX" Value = "0"/>
               <YAxisY Name = "[CATIA Blue] Process Part---.000\Method Plan.1\Press Direction.1\YAxisY" Value = "1"/>
               <YAxisZ Name = "[CATIA Blue] Process Part---.000\Method Plan.1\Press Direction.1\YAxisZ" Value = "0"/>
               <ZAxisX Name = "[CATIA Blue] Process Part---.000\Method Plan.1\Press Direction.1\ZAxisX" Value = "0"/>
               <ZAxisY Name = "[CATIA Blue] Process Part---.000\Method Plan.1\Press Direction.1\ZAxisY" Value = "0"/>
               <ZAxisZ Name = "[CATIA Blue] Process Part---.000\Method Plan.1\Press Direction.1\ZAxisZ" Value = "1"/>
               <Tool_Depth Name = "Tool Depth" Value = "0.005mm"/>
               <Tool_Width Name = "Tool Width" Value = "17mm"/>
               <Tool_Height Name = "Tool Height" Value = "15.3mm"/>
               <Die Name = "Die" Value = ""/>
               <Cut_Type Name = "Cut Type" Value = "Pierce/Inner Cutting"/>
               <Nb_Round_Holes Name = "Nb Round Holes" Value = "0"/>
               <Nb_Form_Holes Name = "Nb Form Holes" Value = "1"/>
               <Cut_Length Name = "Cut Length" Value = "50.772mm"/>
               <Nb_Scrap_Cutters Name = "Nb Scrap Cutters" Value = "0"/>
         <Tool Name = "Inner Cut Tool.9">
            <Direction Name = "Press Direction.1">
               <OriginX Name = "[CATIA Blue] Process Part---.000\Method Plan.1\Press Direction.1\OriginX" Value = "0mm"/>
               <OriginY Name = "[CATIA Blue] Process Part---.000\Method Plan.1\Press Direction.1\OriginY" Value = "0mm"/>
               <OriginZ Name = "[CATIA Blue] Process Part---.000\Method Plan.1\Press Direction.1\OriginZ" Value = "0mm"/>
               <XAxisX Name = "[CATIA Blue] Process Part---.000\Method Plan.1\Press Direction.1\XAxisX" Value = "1"/>
               <XAxisY Name = "[CATIA Blue] Process Part---.000\Method Plan.1\Press Direction.1\XAxisY" Value = "0"/>
               <XAxisZ Name = "[CATIA Blue] Process Part---.000\Method Plan.1\Press Direction.1\XAxisZ" Value = "0"/>
               <YAxisX Name = "[CATIA Blue] Process Part---.000\Method Plan.1\Press Direction.1\YAxisX" Value = "0"/>
               <YAxisY Name = "[CATIA Blue] Process Part---.000\Method Plan.1\Press Direction.1\YAxisY" Value = "1"/>
               <YAxisZ Name = "[CATIA Blue] Process Part---.000\Method Plan.1\Press Direction.1\YAxisZ" Value = "0"/>
               <ZAxisX Name = "[CATIA Blue] Process Part---.000\Method Plan.1\Press Direction.1\ZAxisX" Value = "0"/>
               <ZAxisY Name = "[CATIA Blue] Process Part---.000\Method Plan.1\Press Direction.1\ZAxisY" Value = "0"/>
               <ZAxisZ Name = "[CATIA Blue] Process Part---.000\Method Plan.1\Press Direction.1\ZAxisZ" Value = "1"/>
               <Tool_Depth Name = "Tool Depth" Value = "0.005mm"/>
               <Tool_Width Name = "Tool Width" Value = "17mm"/>
               <Tool_Height Name = "Tool Height" Value = "15.3mm"/>
               <Die Name = "Die" Value = ""/>
               <Cut_Type Name = "Cut Type" Value = "Pierce/Inner Cutting"/>
               <Nb_Round_Holes Name = "Nb Round Holes" Value = "0"/>
               <Nb_Form_Holes Name = "Nb Form Holes" Value = "1"/>
               <Cut_Length Name = "Cut Length" Value = "50.772mm"/>
               <Nb_Scrap_Cutters Name = "Nb Scrap Cutters" Value = "0"/>
         <Tool Name = "Outer Cut Tool.11">
            <Direction Name = "Press Direction.1">
               <OriginX Name = "[CATIA Blue] Process Part---.000\Method Plan.1\Press Direction.1\OriginX" Value = "0mm"/>
               <OriginY Name = "[CATIA Blue] Process Part---.000\Method Plan.1\Press Direction.1\OriginY" Value = "0mm"/>
               <OriginZ Name = "[CATIA Blue] Process Part---.000\Method Plan.1\Press Direction.1\OriginZ" Value = "0mm"/>
               <XAxisX Name = "[CATIA Blue] Process Part---.000\Method Plan.1\Press Direction.1\XAxisX" Value = "1"/>
               <XAxisY Name = "[CATIA Blue] Process Part---.000\Method Plan.1\Press Direction.1\XAxisY" Value = "0"/>
               <XAxisZ Name = "[CATIA Blue] Process Part---.000\Method Plan.1\Press Direction.1\XAxisZ" Value = "0"/>
               <YAxisX Name = "[CATIA Blue] Process Part---.000\Method Plan.1\Press Direction.1\YAxisX" Value = "0"/>
               <YAxisY Name = "[CATIA Blue] Process Part---.000\Method Plan.1\Press Direction.1\YAxisY" Value = "1"/>
               <YAxisZ Name = "[CATIA Blue] Process Part---.000\Method Plan.1\Press Direction.1\YAxisZ" Value = "0"/>
               <ZAxisX Name = "[CATIA Blue] Process Part---.000\Method Plan.1\Press Direction.1\ZAxisX" Value = "0"/>
               <ZAxisY Name = "[CATIA Blue] Process Part---.000\Method Plan.1\Press Direction.1\ZAxisY" Value = "0"/>
               <ZAxisZ Name = "[CATIA Blue] Process Part---.000\Method Plan.1\Press Direction.1\ZAxisZ" Value = "1"/>
               <Tool_Depth Name = "Tool Depth" Value = "31.496mm"/>
               <Tool_Width Name = "Tool Width" Value = "264.24mm"/>
               <Tool_Height Name = "Tool Height" Value = "389.674mm"/>
               <Die Name = "Die" Value = ""/>
               <Cut_Type Name = "Cut Type" Value = "Outer Cutting"/>
               <Cut_Length Name = "Cut Length" Value = "843.353mm"/>
               <Nb_Scrap_Cutters Name = "Nb Scrap Cutters" Value = "0"/>
         <Tool Name = "Outer Cut Tool.13">
            <Direction Name = "Press Direction.1">
               <OriginX Name = "[CATIA Blue] Process Part---.000\Method Plan.1\Press Direction.1\OriginX" Value = "0mm"/>
               <OriginY Name = "[CATIA Blue] Process Part---.000\Method Plan.1\Press Direction.1\OriginY" Value = "0mm"/>
               <OriginZ Name = "[CATIA Blue] Process Part---.000\Method Plan.1\Press Direction.1\OriginZ" Value = "0mm"/>
               <XAxisX Name = "[CATIA Blue] Process Part---.000\Method Plan.1\Press Direction.1\XAxisX" Value = "1"/>
               <XAxisY Name = "[CATIA Blue] Process Part---.000\Method Plan.1\Press Direction.1\XAxisY" Value = "0"/>
               <XAxisZ Name = "[CATIA Blue] Process Part---.000\Method Plan.1\Press Direction.1\XAxisZ" Value = "0"/>
               <YAxisX Name = "[CATIA Blue] Process Part---.000\Method Plan.1\Press Direction.1\YAxisX" Value = "0"/>
               <YAxisY Name = "[CATIA Blue] Process Part---.000\Method Plan.1\Press Direction.1\YAxisY" Value = "1"/>
               <YAxisZ Name = "[CATIA Blue] Process Part---.000\Method Plan.1\Press Direction.1\YAxisZ" Value = "0"/>
               <ZAxisX Name = "[CATIA Blue] Process Part---.000\Method Plan.1\Press Direction.1\ZAxisX" Value = "0"/>
               <ZAxisY Name = "[CATIA Blue] Process Part---.000\Method Plan.1\Press Direction.1\ZAxisY" Value = "0"/>
               <ZAxisZ Name = "[CATIA Blue] Process Part---.000\Method Plan.1\Press Direction.1\ZAxisZ" Value = "1"/>
               <Tool_Depth Name = "Tool Depth" Value = "37.092mm"/>
               <Tool_Width Name = "Tool Width" Value = "347.674mm"/>
               <Tool_Height Name = "Tool Height" Value = "408.838mm"/>
               <Die Name = "Die" Value = ""/>
               <Cut_Type Name = "Cut Type" Value = "Outer Cutting"/>
               <Cut_Length Name = "Cut Length" Value = "980.633mm"/>
               <Nb_Scrap_Cutters Name = "Nb Scrap Cutters" Value = "0"/>
         <Tool Name = "Die Tool.5">
               <Tool_Depth Name = "Tool Depth" Value = "0mm"/>
               <Tool_Width Name = "Tool Width" Value = "0mm"/>
               <Tool_Height Name = "Tool Height" Value = "0mm"/>
               <Die Name = "Die" Value = "Lower Side"/>
               <Die_Area Name = "Die Area" Value = "0mm2"/>
         <Tool Name = "Blank Holder Tool.6">
               <Tool_Depth Name = "Tool Depth" Value = "0mm"/>
               <Tool_Width Name = "Tool Width" Value = "0mm"/>
               <Tool_Height Name = "Tool Height" Value = "0mm"/>
               <Die Name = "Die" Value = ""/>
               <Binder_Default_Offset Name = "Binder Default Offset" Value = "70mm"/>
               <Binder_Area Name = "Binder Area" Value = "0mm2"/>
         <Tool Name = "Blank Holder Tool.8">
               <Tool_Depth Name = "Tool Depth" Value = "0mm"/>
               <Tool_Width Name = "Tool Width" Value = "0mm"/>
               <Tool_Height Name = "Tool Height" Value = "0mm"/>
               <Die Name = "Die" Value = ""/>
               <Binder_Default_Offset Name = "Binder Default Offset" Value = "70mm"/>
               <Binder_Area Name = "Binder Area" Value = "0mm2"/>
         <Tool Name = "Blank Holder Tool.10">
               <Tool_Depth Name = "Tool Depth" Value = "0mm"/>
               <Tool_Width Name = "Tool Width" Value = "0mm"/>
               <Tool_Height Name = "Tool Height" Value = "0mm"/>
               <Die Name = "Die" Value = ""/>
               <Binder_Default_Offset Name = "Binder Default Offset" Value = "70mm"/>
               <Binder_Area Name = "Binder Area" Value = "0mm2"/>
         <Tool Name = "Blank Holder Tool.12">
               <Tool_Depth Name = "Tool Depth" Value = "0mm"/>
               <Tool_Width Name = "Tool Width" Value = "0mm"/>
               <Tool_Height Name = "Tool Height" Value = "0mm"/>
               <Die Name = "Die" Value = ""/>
               <Binder_Default_Offset Name = "Binder Default Offset" Value = "70mm"/>
               <Binder_Area Name = "Binder Area" Value = "0mm2"/>
         <Tool Name = "Blank Holder Tool.14">
               <Tool_Depth Name = "Tool Depth" Value = "0mm"/>
               <Tool_Width Name = "Tool Width" Value = "0mm"/>
               <Tool_Height Name = "Tool Height" Value = "0mm"/>
               <Die Name = "Die" Value = ""/>
               <Binder_Default_Offset Name = "Binder Default Offset" Value = "70mm"/>
               <Binder_Area Name = "Binder Area" Value = "0mm2"/>
      <Operation Name = "OP 30">
         <Positioning Name = "Feeder.3">
               <Tx Name = "Tx" Value = "3000mm"/>
               <Ty Name = "Ty" Value = "0mm"/>
               <Tz Name = "Tz" Value = "0mm"/>
               <Rx Name = "Rx" Value = "0deg"/>
               <Ry Name = "Ry" Value = "0deg"/>
               <Rz Name = "Rz" Value = "0deg"/>
               <Tx Name = "Tx" Value = "1000mm"/>
               <Ty Name = "Ty" Value = "0mm"/>
               <Tz Name = "Tz" Value = "0mm"/>
               <Rx Name = "Rx" Value = "0deg"/>
               <Ry Name = "Ry" Value = "0deg"/>
               <Rz Name = "Rz" Value = "0deg"/>
               <Tx Name = "Tx" Value = "0mm"/>
               <Ty Name = "Ty" Value = "0mm"/>
               <Tz Name = "Tz" Value = "0mm"/>
               <Rx Name = "Rx" Value = "0deg"/>
               <Ry Name = "Ry" Value = "0deg"/>
               <Rz Name = "Rz" Value = "0deg"/>
         <Tool Name = "Flange Tool.2">
            <Direction Name = "Press Direction.1">
               <OriginX Name = "[CATIA Blue] Process Part---.000\Method Plan.1\Press Direction.1\OriginX" Value = "0mm"/>
               <OriginY Name = "[CATIA Blue] Process Part---.000\Method Plan.1\Press Direction.1\OriginY" Value = "0mm"/>
               <OriginZ Name = "[CATIA Blue] Process Part---.000\Method Plan.1\Press Direction.1\OriginZ" Value = "0mm"/>
               <XAxisX Name = "[CATIA Blue] Process Part---.000\Method Plan.1\Press Direction.1\XAxisX" Value = "1"/>
               <XAxisY Name = "[CATIA Blue] Process Part---.000\Method Plan.1\Press Direction.1\XAxisY" Value = "0"/>
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