Fillet Connect creates surfaces, either to fill a surface, or extend a
surface where the boundaries contain fillets. You can
Create an automatic surface along the boundary of a surface.
Fillet Connect analyzes the boundary and identifies fillets
with symmetry and fillets without symmetry
If no fillets are found, a message is displayed, nothing is created.
If fillets are found, the edges of fillets are connected to create a surface (In
blue below).
On all areas where fillets are detected, the fillets are connected into a surface to
extend the input surface.
For an inner boundary, select the Fill inner boundary check
box. If there are areas to extend, the extension is computed on the corresponding
areas. A fill is computed to complete the remaining areas.
Automatically fill complex holes using the Piece Wise Fill method. Fillets are connected
as described above (In blue), then the remaining gap is filled (In pink).
Select pairs of edges to connect, one on the right side, one on the left side.
The edges must intersect the boundary of the surface.
The pairs cannot create intersecting splines.
Fillet Connect computes the connection between each pair to
create the surface between the connecting curves. For example
This is a manual surface created with one pair of edges. The surface is created
between the boundary and the spline connecting the two edges.
This is a manual surface created with several overlapping pairs. A spline is created
between each pair. The splines guide the surface extension.
Use this solution when the analysis does not provide an area to extend, or to
create a surface between multiples particular elements, or edit a result from another