Die Face Design

Die Face Design helps you analyze the stamped sheet metal design part to define its conceptual manufacturing process and efficiently create die additional geometries (addendum surfaces).

See Also
What's New
Die Face Design Basics
In Other Guides

Die Face Design helps you

  • Analyze the part geometry (draft angles, depth, cutting angles ...) and prepare models, in particular to find the best possible main stamping direction as well as cutting directions.
  • Generate flange unfolded surfaces (using a geometric unfolding approach) for early blank size estimation.
  • Quickly create additional geometries such as automated hole filling, addendum surfaces based on profiles or opening line.
  • Compensate the flange spring back with angular corrections.
  • Generate trim lines based on the flanges definition, supporting addendum surface and sheet metal properties (thickness and kfactor).
  • Create a conceptual definition of the stamped part manufacturing process, with operations sequencing and their associated actions (stamp, cut, fold). The conceptual process can:
    • Define flanges and cutting lines to logically organize.
    • Check the result of the process corresponding to the design part and generate an update warning message in case of discrepancy.
    • Generate an animation of the manufacturing process for communication purpose.

Die Face Design is a nativeapp available on the Cloud or on Premises.

For information on accessing Die Face Design, see Opening an app from the Compass topic in the Getting Started User's Guide.

This product might use or depict Intellectual Property (IP) protected data. It is the user’s responsibility to safeguard the IP protected data when allowing others to view, export, or print the data. This includes the thumbnail representations of parts or assemblies used in markup screens. For more information on the use of IP Protection and safeguarding IP Protected data, see Social and Collaborative: Enterprise Modeling and Execution: IP Controlled Access.