Context Toolbar

A context toolbar is a smart toolbar that appears when you select geometry and contains only those tools that can be applied to the current selection.

See About Working with Context Toolbars for more information.

This page discusses:


Coupling Guides
Available when selecting an addendum surface using coupling point mode.
Coupling Point
Available when selecting an addendum surface using coupling guides mode.
Extrapolate Surface
Available when selecting a surface or an edge.
Fill Concave Area
Available when selecting two points.
Available when selecting a vertex of a surface boundary.
Remove Edges/Faces
Available when selecting a tool direction and faces or edges contained in the tool direction.
Remove Tool Directions
Available when selecting a tool direction.
Transfer to Tool Direction
Available when selecting a tool direction and a face not already in the tool direction.
Available when selecting a partition that is not the main partition.
Untrim Face
Available when selecting a surface.

Unfold Surface

Target Radius
Adds or edits a local target radius.

Stamp Partition

Folded Surface
Specifies the type of the surface as Folded.
Unfolded Surface
Specifies the type of the surface as Unfolded.
Stamped Surface
Specifies the type of the surface as Stamped.
Specifies the type of the surface as Ignored.
Intermediate Geometries
Reuses the geometries as intermediate geometries.
Prehem Surface
Computes a Prehem Surface
Reframe On

Addendum Surface

Top Surface
Creates a top surface.
Top Surface with One Fillet
Creates a top surface with one fillet.
Top Surface with Two Fillets
Creates a top surface with two fillets.
Creates a profile.
Addendum Surface
Creates an addendum surface.

Profiles, Addendum Surface

Manages tangency constraints.
X Direction
Aligns selected profiles in the X Direction.
Y Direction
Aligns selected profiles in the Y Direction.
Makes the profile perpendicular to the stamping direction.
Z Direction
Aligns the Z direction of selected profiles with Z direction of selected stamping direction.
Line Profile
Creates a profile as a line.
Top Fillet Profile
Creates a profile as a top fillet.
Boss Profile
Creates a boss profile.
User Profile
Creates a custom profile.
Reuse Profile
Reuses a profile.
Switch Tangency Surface
Applies the tangency to the other side.
Invert Orientation
Invert the orientation of selected profiles.
Align Profiles
Align selected profiles in the direction of a selected edge.
Deletes selected profile.