- Tangency
- Manages tangency constraints.
- X Direction
- Aligns selected profiles in the X Direction.
- Y Direction
- Aligns selected profiles in the Y Direction.
- Perpendicularity
- Makes the profile perpendicular to the stamping
- Z Direction
- Aligns the Z direction of selected profiles with Z
direction of selected stamping direction.
- Line Profile
- Creates a profile as a line.
- Top Fillet Profile
- Creates a profile as a top fillet.
- Boss Profile
- Creates a boss profile.
- User Profile
- Creates a custom profile.
- Reuse Profile
- Reuses a profile.
- Switch Tangency Surface
- Applies the tangency to the other side.
- Invert Orientation
- Invert the orientation of selected profiles.
- Align Profiles
- Align selected profiles in the direction of a selected
- Delete
- Deletes selected profile.