RFLP Attributes Extraction Configuration

To enhance performance, RFLP objects are extracted with a mimimum of attributes. You can configure this extraction to retrieve additional attributes. All extracted attributes are displayed in the properties area and in coverage tables.

Tip: You can also extract additional RFLP attributes from the Attributes Selector view. For more information, see Extracting RFLP Attributes with the Attributes Selector View.

This page discusses:

Configuration File

The settings.json configuration file is accessible from the scope view, in the properties area (Filter section) when selecting a root.

Note: By default, this file is empty.


Important: Administration rights are not required to perform this configuration.

  1. From the scope view, select a root.
  2. To open the configuration file:
    1. From the properties area, expand Files.
    2. Click settings.json.

  3. In the settings.json file, add the following information:
    • For RFLP objects: declare the MQL selectors to be applied.
    • Add the predicates for the additional attributes.

      For more information, see RFLP Attributes Extraction below.

  4. Save this file locally.
  5. To replace the current settings.json file with the saved one, drag your local JSON file to the File section, onto the settings.json hyperlink.
  6. In the traceability view, from the navigation bar, click Refresh to update the displayed attributes.

    For more information, see Refreshing Traceability.

RFLP Attributes Extraction

For RFLP objects, you must define attributes and MQL/predicates mapping.

RFLP Attribute Extractor

This table describes the RFLP attributes that must be declared for RFLP objects in the settings.json file.

Business Object (Reference) Connection (Instance)
Requirement Extractor.Requirement.BusAttributes Extractor.Requirement.RelAttributes
Functional and Logical Extractor.FL.BusAttributes Extractor.FL.RelAttributes
Physical Extractor.Physical.BusAttributes Extractor.Physical.RelAttributes

MQL/Predicates Mapping

This table describes the MQL selectors and RDF predicates that must declared for RFLP objects in the settings.json file.

MQL selector RDF predicate
revision http://www.3ds.com/vocabularies/syc/version
description http://purl.org/dc/terms/description
current http://www.3ds.com/vocabularies/syc/state
Originator http://purl.org/dc/terms/creator
owner http://purl.org/dc/terms/contributor
originated.generic http://purl.org/dc/terms/created
modified.generic http://purl.org/dc/terms/modified
logicalid http://www.3ds.com/vocabularies/syc/versionFamily
attribute[PLMEntity.PLM_ExternalID] http://www.3ds.com/vocabularies/syc/enovia/PLMEntity.V_description
attribute[PLMInstance.PLM_ExternalID] http://www.3ds.com/vocabularies/syc/enovia/PLMInstance.V_description
attribute[Other Name] http://www.3ds.com/vocabularies/syc/enovia/Other%20Name
Note: Spaces are turned into %20


The following configuration file displays classification and priority attributes for requirement references.

        "Extractor.Requirement.BusAttributes": "attribute[Requirement Classification],attribute[Priority]",
        "RFLAnalyser.PreservePredicates": "http://www.3ds.com/vocabularies/syc/enovia/Requirement%20Classification,http://www.3ds.com/vocabularies/syc/enovia/Priority"