Extracting RFLP Attributes with the Attributes Selector View

To enhance performance, RFLP objects are extracted with a mimimum of attributes. You can extract additional attributes for requirements, functions, logical components and physical objects. All extracted attributes are displayed in the properties area and in coverage tables.

Note: You can also extract additional RFLP attributes by modifying the settings.json configuration file. For more information, see RFLP Attributes Extraction Configuration.

Before you begin: Create a scope with some of these RFLP elements: requirement, function, logical component, physical object.
See Also
Navigation Bar
RFLP Attributes Extraction Configuration
  1. Select the scope.
  2. From the navigation bar, click the Attribute Selector view (second dot).
  3. In the Attribute Selector view, configure the attributes to be displayed on the RFLP objects, in the properties area:
    Configure: Select the scope or one of the root elements.
    Settings: Select a domain.
    Browse: Select a PLM type.

    As a result:

    • Available Attributes: the filtered attributes are hidden.
    • Selected Attributes: the filtered attributes are grayed out.

    Available Attributes
    1. Select one or multiple attributes to be displayed.
    2. Click the right arrow to move your selection to the Selected Attributes column.
    3. Click the left arrow to remove the selected attributes from the Selected Attributes column.
    Tip: To filter the list of attributes, type a string in the Filter box.
  4. Click Save .
  5. To display these additional attributes in the work area, click one of these commands:
    • From the context toolbar: Refresh Traceability
    • From the navigation bar: Refresh