About Coordinate Reference Systems

In this concept video, you will learn CRS basics.

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Background Information

This section provides background information on how to import a CRS and to configure Data Setup for handling CRS.

Default CRS provided with 3DEXPERIENCE
The default CRS provided is a compound CRS EPSG::6893 named WGS 84/World Mercator + EGM2008 geoid height that accounts for elevation. This CRS is aimed at preliminary concept visualization only. Detailed design will require the use of appropriate low-distortion local projected and vertical Coordinate Reference Systems. For more information, see Managing CRS for Geomaticians.
Import a CRS
Prior to specifying a coordinate reference system for a collaborative space, you need to import it from a resource directory of 3DEXPERIENCE install folder: \win_b64\resources\geolocation and unzip the appropriate .zip file. Then, identify the required CRS for your collaborative space. To perform the import operation, you should be granted Leader permission and select As Reference option. The imported CRS must be promoted to a maturity status that prevents it from being modified (for example: assigned a Released maturity status).
Note: Alternatively, you can automatically forbid the modification of the CRS after import by using an opening ID located in resources\knowledge\scripts\GeolocationCoordinateReferenceSystem_BLAttributesMapping.CATRule. Make sure the policy and the maturity values comply with the database configuration.
To enable the import of a dataset geolocated in geodetic coordinate reference systems (such as ifc, srtm and osm files), geolocation extensions are added to the reference product during the import operation. Geolocation information is stored in 3DEXPERIENCE after conversion into a projected CRS. The original position in a geodetic CRS remains available in the earth mode within the Geolocation panel to ensure the import operation completed successfully.
Configure Data Setup

You can use Data Setup to handle the CRS to be used for the collaborative space.

Key Terms

The concept of coordinate systems refers to several definitions you should be familiar with.

Coordinate Reference System
A coordinate-based system that can be local, regional, or global used to locate geographical entities. Abbreviated as CRS
Projected CRS
A CRS dealing with X and Y coordinates.
Vertical CRS
A CRS dealing with Z coordinate.
Compound CRS
The combination of both vertical and projected CRS.
Geodetic system
A coordinate reference system with a set of reference points used to locate geographical entities on earth.
Cartesian Coordinate
In general, the coordinate of an element defined according to the position of this element in a 2D or 3D matrix. In 2D, the coordinates are the horizontal and vertical positions; in 3D, the depth coordinate is also used.
Height above the mean sea level.
Gravity-related height
Height affected by the earth's gravity field. In particular, orthometric height (distance along a plumb line to the geoid) or normal height, which are both approximations of the distance of a point above mean sea level.