Electronic Component Editor Dialog Box

This dialog box shows the Content Panel, Electronic Physical Component Panel, Altium Symbol Panel, Electronic 3D Package Panel, and Altium Footprint Panel using which you can create and manage PCB library objects. In Altium Designer, click the 3DEXPERIENCE menu and select Open Electronic Component Editor.

This page discusses:

Content Panel


Action Description
Create New Component Opens the Create New Component dialog box where you can create an object for Electronic Component Editor.

  1. Select the type of object you want to create. The following types are available.
    • Electronic Physical Component
    • Altium Symbol
    • Electronic 3D Package
    • Altium Footprint
    Note: Electronic 3D Package is a 3DEXPERIENCE object. It does not have any reference equivalent object in Altium Designer.
  2. Enter Name, Title, and Description. Click Ok.
    Note: Depending on the type of object you select, some fields are unavailable. For example, when you select Electronic Physical Component as a type, the Name field is not available.
  3. Select the Open In Editor After Creation check box to open the created object in the editor panel.
    Note: This check box is selected by default for Electronic Physical Component.


Lets you search and open Electronic Component Editor objects.

When you click Open in the 3DSearch dialog box, the selected object along with its dependent product structure appears in the Content panel.

Note: The Overwrite dialog box appears if the same revision of the object exists in the Electronic Component Editor.
Open in Editor Opens the selected object in the Editor panel.

In the product structure, when you select a separate object to open, only the corresponding editor panel opens. For example, when you open an electronics 3D package, it is opened in the Electronic 3D Package Editor panel.

Symbols and footprints are opened in their native Altium Designer editors.

Enter/Leave Edit Mode
  • Edit mode enables editing of objects and locks the highlighted object to prevent concurrent changes by other users.
  • Disabling edit unlocks the highlighted object and prevents you from modifying the objects.
Remove Removes the objects from the Electronic Component Editor.
Save with Options When you select an object and click Save with Options, the Save Project to 3DEXPERIENCE dialog box appears.

It shows the entire product structure. You can select objects to be saved to 3DEXPERIENCE.

When you select the Delete After Save check box, the selected objects are deleted from the Content panel.

  • You can select multiple objects to save. Each object appears only one time in the Save Project to 3DEXPERIENCE dialog box.
  • The Unsaved Changes dialog box appears when there are unsaved local changes within Electronics Component Editor.
  • In the Save Project to 3DEXPERIENCE dialog box, when you create a new revision of an object and save it, the Revised Elements dialog box appears when the revised object is available in the Content panel but not selected to be saved.

Save Saves the object to 3DEXPERIENCE. A progress bar indicates the status.
Note: All child objects of the selected objects are saved.
Set Enterprise Item Number Click to specify or edit an enterprise item number for an EPC.

If the enterprise item number is not assigned for an EPC, the Electronic Component Editor dialog box displays <none> in the Enterprise Item Number field. To specify a number, click <none>.

If an enterprise item number exists for an EPC, the Enterprise Item Number dialog box opens. Enter the new numbers for the listed components and click Set.

Refresh Details Refresh details from 3DEXPERIENCE.
Reload From Server Reloads the current revision of the object from 3DEXPERIENCE. If the selected object is locally modified, a warning dialog box appears. You can overwrite or cancel the reload operation.
  • You can perform this operation only when you select an object.
  • If you want to reload an object that is unchanged in the Electronic Component Editor and in 3DEXPERIENCE, modify the object in the Electronic Component Editor to reload.
Replace by Revision Opens the Replace by Revision dialog box containing a list of revisions for the selected objects. You can select the required revision and click Replace to replace it with an existing revision.
Tip: You can perform this operation only when you select an object and it exists in 3DEXPERIENCE. If the object is not saved, any local modifications in the object are lost.
Change Maturity Allows you to change the maturity of single or multiple objects. For more information, see Changing Maturity
Show in 3DEXPERIENCE Opens the selected object in the Relational Explorer app in 3DDashboard.
Component Rule Check

Select an EPC, symbol, or a footprint and click Component Rule Check or right-click an object and select Component Rule Check.

The selected object is validated. The Component Rule Check Messages dialog box appears if the rules are violated, and error messages are listed.

For more information about types of violations and error messages, see Component Rule Check Messages

Import Imports objects from Altium Designer libraries.

Schematic library (.SCHLIB) and PCB library (.PCBLIB) can be imported. When you select the library and click Import, the Import dialog box lists all objects within the library. You can choose the objects to be imported and start the import.

If a footprint is missing for a symbol, the Missing Footprint dialog box appears. For a missing footprint, you can select another PCB library, ignore the missing footprint, or cancel the import.

If Automatic Class Assignment Property is specified in Collaboration Space Control Center settings, the classification parameters are evaluated for each imported component.

If the class name and path matches an existing class in 3DEXPERIENCE, this class is automatically assigned to the component.

If a classification atttibutes is not assigned to a component or refers a class that does not exist, class is not assigned automatically.

Note: The classification attribute name and value are editable.

If the class assignment is removed when the component is in the NEW state and the classification attribute is present with an existing class, on manual assignment, the specified class is automatically selected in the Class Selection dialog box.


All objects with their product dependency structure are listed in the Content panel. Read-only objects are shown for reference. When you open the object for editing and lock it, the object appears at the top in the content panel.

Column Name Description
CAD Name Displays the name of the object as saved in Altium Designer.
Status Displays the status of the object.
Local Modification Status

When the object is open in the Editor panel, a document icon appears in this column.

When the object has local unsaved changes, a document icon with an asterisk appears in this column.

Title Displays the title of the object as saved in 3DEXPERIENCE.
Rev. Displays the current revision of the object. From the list, select Next to create a revision of the object.
Name Displays the name of the object as saved in 3DEXPERIENCE.
Maturity Status Displays the maturity state of the object in 3DEXPERIENCE.
Lock Status Specifies the object lock status in 3DEXPERIENCE. You can lock the object to ensure that no other user works on it simultaneously.
Lock Owner Displays the name of the user that has locked the object.

Electronic Physical Component Panel


The title bar of this panel shows the object type, its CAD name, title, revision, and status. When the object does not exist in 3DEXPERIENCE, it is denoted as NEW in the Status field.

Action Description
Enter/Leave Edit Mode Enter or leave the edit mode to enable editing of elements.
Show in 3DEXPERIENCE Opens the selected object in the Relational Explorer app in 3DDashboard.
Change Maturity Allows you to change the maturity of single or multiple objects. For more information, see Changing Maturity
Reload From Server Reloads the current revision of the object from the 3DEXPERIENCE Platform. If the selected object is locally modified, the warning dialog box appears. You can overwrite or cancel the reload operation.
Note: You can perform this operation only when you select an object.
Add New Adds a new parameter.
Delete Deletes the selected parameter.


Field Name Description
Enterprise Item Number Enter a number as the enterprise item number for the object. For EPC's with an enterprise item number, the number is displayed as a link.
Title Displays the title of the object.
Description Displays the description of the object.
Category Lists the object categories. From the list, select a category.
Classification To assign a class for the EPC, click to open the Class Selection dialog box and select a class. Click to clear an assigned class for the EPC.

Links and Parameters

You can view, add, and edit parameters and links for components in the Parameters section in the Electronic Component Editor. Click + > Parameter or Link to add a parameter or a link to a component.

Note: For imported components, parameters with reserved names or system parameters are not available.

Column Name Description
Name Displays the name of the parameter or the link.
Note: You cannot add parameters with reserved names. You also cannot rename an existing parameter with a reserved name.
Value Displays the value of the parameter or the link.
Note: The links are not clickable.

Altium Symbol Panel

The title bar of this panel shows the object type, its CAD name, title, revision, and status. If the Altium Symbol is not saved in 3DEXPERIENCE, it is denoted as NEW in the Status field. Each electronic physical component can have only one Altium Symbol assigned to it. You can edit the Altium Symbol only from the Altium Designer.

Action Description
Create New Creates an Altium Symbol .
Assign Local Symbol Assigns a local symbol from Electronic Component Editor. When assigned, it appears in the Altium Symbol panel.
Assign 3DEXPERIENCE Symbol Assigns an existing symbol from the 3DEXPERIENCE. When assigned, it appears in the Altium Symbol panel.
Remove Removes the assigned symbol.
Enter/Leave Edit mode Enter or leave the edit mode to enable editing of elements.
Open Opens the selected Altium Symbol in Altium Designer for editing.
Note: This Altium Symbol does not appear in the Project Structure panel in Altium Designer.
Show in 3DEXPERIENCE Opens the Altium Symbol in the Relational Explorer app in 3DDashboard.
Change Maturity Allows you to change the maturity of single or multiple objects. For more information, see Changing Maturity
Reload from Server Reloads the current revision of the object from the 3DEXPERIENCE Platform. If the selected object is locally modified, the warning dialog box appears. You can overwrite or cancel the reload operation.
Note: You can perform this operation only when you select an object.

Electronic 3D Package Panel


The title bar of this panel shows the object type, its CAD name, title, revision, and status. If the Electronic 3D Package is not saved in 3DEXPERIENCE, it is denoted as NEW in the Status field.

Note: Each Electronic 3D Package can have none, one, or multiple footprints.

Action Description
Create New Creates an electronic 3D package and automatically assigns it to the electronic physical component.
Assign Local 3D Package Assigns a local electronic 3D package from Electronic Components Editor.
Assign 3DEXPERIENCE 3D Package Assigns an existing electronic 3D package from 3DEXPERIENCE.
Remove Removes the assigned electronic 3D package.
Enter/Leave Edit mode Enter or leave the edit mode to enable editing of elements.
Open Opens the selected electronic 3D package in a separate tab in the editor panel.
Create New Footprint Creates a footprint and assigns it to the electronic 3D package.
Assign Local Footprint Assigns a local footprint from Electronic Components Editor
Show in 3DEXPERIENCE Opens the selected electronic 3D package in the Relational Explorer app in 3DDashboard.
Change Maturity Allows you to change the maturity of single or multiple objects. For more information, see Changing Maturity
Reload from Server Reloads the current revision of the object from the 3DEXPERIENCE Platform. If the selected object is locally modified, the warning dialog box appears. You can overwrite or cancel the reload operation.
Note: You can perform this operation only when you select an object.
Assign 3DEXPERIENCE Footprint Assigns an existing footprint from 3DEXPERIENCE.


Field Name Description
Title Displays the title of the electronic 3D package.
Description Displays the description of the electronic 3D package.

Altium Footprint Panel

This panel appears when a footprint is assigned to the electronic 3D package. The title bar of this panel shows the object type, its CAD name, title, revision, and status. If the Altium Footprint is not saved in 3DEXPERIENCE, it is denoted as NEW in the Status field.

Note: You can edit the footprint only in Altium Designer.

Action Description
Remove Removes the assigned footprint from the electronic 3D package.
Mark as Current

Assigns the selected footprint as the current footprint.

You can identify the current footprint from the status in the title bar of the panel.

Enter/Leave Edit mode Enter or leave the edit mode to enable editing of elements.

Opens the selected footprint in the Altium Designer.

Note: This footprint does not appear in the Project Structure panel in Altium Designer.
Show in 3DEXPERIENCE Opens the selected footprint in the Relational Explorer app in 3DDashboard.
Change Maturity Allows you to change the maturity of single or multiple objects. For more information, see Changing Maturity
Reload from Server Reloads the current revision of the object from 3DEXPERIENCE. If the selected object is locally modified, the warning dialog box appears. You can overwrite or cancel the reload operation.
Note: You can perform this operation only when you select an object.