Opening Altium Designer Objects from 3DDashboard

You can open Altium objects from 3DDashboard search and widgets.

See Also
Opening an Altium PCB Project
  1. Open 3DDashboard.
  2. In the topbar, search for the required Altium object.
    The search results appear.
  3. Select the required Altium object from the search results and do one of the following.

    • Click the Compass, select Altium Designer.
    • Right click the object and select Open With > Altium Designer.

    If the selected object is of a supported type, the object is checked out from 3DEXPERIENCE and opened in Altium Designer.
    • In the 3DDashboard apps such as Product Structure Editor and Relations, the context menu entry Open With > Altium Designer is available to open supported altium objects in the Altium Designer.
    • You can also right-click supported Altium objects in 3DDashboard apps such as Product Structure Editor and Relations and select Open With > Altium Designer to open them in Altium Designer.
    • If a 3DEXPERIENCE product (VPMReference) is checked out, the connector detects it and initiates a new Altium Design project using the name or description of the 3DEXPERIENCE product. You can use this as the base for a new ECAD design.