Create the Dialog Box
From the
Compass, click
3D Modeling
and select
Know-how Apps User Experience.
Know-how Apps Component opens.
Enter the name of the component and click
Know-how Apps User Experience
application opens.
Dialog Box
A DialogBox1 is displayed in the
Preview tab.
Click the
design tab, select the dialog box and select
Properties tab.
In the
General category, change the
Name of the "DialogBox1" to "InitSkate" for
Copy this name and paste it to the
Title cell in the
Text Resources category.
Create a Frame
Back in the
Toolbox tab, click the
Frame widget and drop it to the "InitSkate"
dialog box.
In the
Properties tab, replace the existing Frame
Title with Inputs in the
Text Resources category.
The frame is renamed.
Create a Label
In the
Toolbox tab, select label and drop it to the
Inputs frame.
In the
Properties tab, change the existing title to
"Choose the type of the skate": in the
Text Resources category.
Create a Radio Button
In the
Toolbox tab, select
RadioButton and drop it to the "Choose the
type of the skate:" label.
Repeat this operation once so that you get two radio buttons.
Designing the Dialog Box
Select the first radio button and, in the
Properties tab, change the existing title
to" Leisure" in the
General category. Change the title
accordingly in the
Text Resources category.
Select the second radio button and, in the
Properties tab, change the title to
"Competition" in the
General category. Change the title
accordingly in the
Text Resources category.
In the
Toolbox tab, select separator and position
it just below the "Inputs" frame.
In the
Toolbox tab, select
label and drop it to the "Inputs" frame.
In the
Properties tab, change the title to "Enter
the skate characteristics:" in the
Text Resources field.
Select the
Label widget and drop it below the" Enter
the skate characteristics:" label.
In the
Properties tab, modify the title in the
Text Resources to "Skate Length:".
Select the
Label widget and drop it below the "Skate
Length:" label.
Select it and in the
Properties tab, modify the title in the
Text Resources to "Skate Width":.
Select the
Label widget and drop it below the "Skate
Width:" label.
Select it and in the
Properties tab, modify the title in the
Text Resources to "Enter the maximum mass of
the skate:".
In the
Toolbox tab, select
ParameterEditor and drop it to the "Enter
the skate characteristics:" label, opposite to "Skate Length:".
Repeat the operation above and drop the ParameterEditor opposite
to "Skate Width:" and "Enter maximum mass of the skate:".
In the
Properties tab, select the first
ParameterEditor and change its name to "EditSkateL" in the
General category.
Select the second Parameter Editor and change its name to
"EditSkateW" in the
General category.
Select the third Parameter Editor and change its name to
"EditTargetMass" in the
General category.
Click the
Preview tab to preview your final dialog
- At build time you can define the type of the expected selected
element to filter the selection. In case of multi selection, only the first
element of the correct type is taken into account. The attribute that defines
the type is called
CurrentSelectedObjType. The pointer
attribute is called
CurrentSelectedObject. It is going to
contain the selected element. By default,
CurrentSelectedObjType equals
- You can modify the type of expected type at build time and use
EKL Scripts to modify the recovered attribute that is going to be contained by
the the
CurrentSelectedObject attribute. At runtime,
when you launch the dialog, the current selected element is set in the
CurrentSelectedObject attribute pointer if
it is of the correct i.e it is of the
CurrentSelectedObjType type or it derives
from it.