Copying / Pasting a Model with Dittos in 3DEXPERIENCE

This task shows you what are the results of copying / pasting a Model with Dittos interactively in 3DEXPERIENCE.

This task shows you how to:

In general

The objects of the Detail are copied using the CATIA_SPEC or CATIA_RESULT option.

These copies are from the DETAIL and they are in No Show. This is what we will call "References" for our scenarios.

Advised use of DETAIL / DITTOS, for the V4 to 3DEXPERIENCE interactive copy / paste of models:

  • one solid per DETAIL SPACE

  • no DITTO in the DETAIL space.

Migration of DETAIL's Spaces used by DITTOS

THis section describes about the migration of DETAIL's Spaces used by DITTOS.

If you want to make a special migration for Dittos, you can select one of the Migration of DETAILS spaces used by dittos settings in Tools > Options > General > Compatibility > V4 /V6 Space.

Three options to copy / paste a model with DITTOS in 3DEXPERIENCE:

This section describes the three options to copy / paste a model with DITTOS in 3DEXPERIENCE.

The Usual Optimized Mode is the default mode. With this mode, the CATIA_RESULT With Link (CARWL) option, keeping a link between the copy / paste between the reference (Detail) and the occurrences (Dittos).

Note: Except Usual Optimized mode, other modes, like V4 Explode Mode, Both Usual and Wireframe Modes) may lead memory size to unpredictable crashes.

Usual Optimized Mode:

This section describes the usual Optimized Mode.

  • only the "reference" solids are taken into account,
  • they are copied using the CATIA_RESULT With Link (CARWL) option,
  • they keep the same place as the DITTOS', with the same scale,
  • this link is associative: if you modify the "reference" body in the No Show space, the ones of the CARWL are also modified.
  • the DITTOS' s geometry is not created for each DITTO; it is stored as a Reference in the Geometrical Set (in No Show).
  • colors.

Both Usual and Wireframe Mode:

This section describes both Usual and Wireframe Mode.

  • same behavior like Usual Optimized Mode, but in this case, the "reference" geometry is copied using the CATIA_RESULT option in an OpenBoby under each DITTO. It has the same scale as the DITTO's geometry.
  • there is no associativity between the "reference" geometry and the DITTO's (no CARWL).

Like V4 Explode Mode:

This section describes Like V4 Explode Mode.

  • same behavior like Both Usual and Wireframe Modes, but the "reference" Bodies are not CARWL, but Past As Specified in Part Document".
  • There is no associativity with the reference.

The following table illustrates the different results you obtain according to the chosen options and the type of DETAIL:

Migration of DETAIL's Spaces used by DITTOS
Elements contained in the DETAIL Space Usual Optimized Mode Both Usual and Wireframe Mode Like V4 Explode Mode

a Solid,

see Copying / Pasting a Model with Dittos in 3DEXPERIENCE


see Copying / Pasting a Model with Dittos in 3DEXPERIENCE


Copying / Pasting a Model with Dittos in 3DEXPERIENCE


Copying / Pasting a Model with Dittos in 3DEXPERIENCE

a Solid plus geometry,

see Copying / Pasting a Model with Dittos in 3DEXPERIENCE

OK for the solid

incomplete paste for the geometry

see Copying / Pasting a Model with Dittos in 3DEXPERIENCE


Copying / Pasting a Model with Dittos in 3DEXPERIENCE


Copying / Pasting a Model with Dittos in 3DEXPERIENCE
Copying / Pasting a Model with Dittos in 3DEXPERIENCE

incomplete paste for the geometry

see Copying / Pasting a Model with Dittos in 3DEXPERIENCE


see Copying / Pasting a Model with Dittos in 3DEXPERIENCE


see Copying / Pasting a Model with Dittos in 3DEXPERIENCE

Copying / Pasting a Model with Dittos in 3DEXPERIENCE

OK for the solid

KO for the DITTOS

see Copying / Pasting a Model with Dittos in 3DEXPERIENCE

OK for the solid

KO for the DITTOS

see Copying / Pasting a Model with Dittos in 3DEXPERIENCE

OK for the solid

KO for the DITTOS

see Copying / Pasting a Model with Dittos in 3DEXPERIENCE

Copying / Pasting a Model with Dittos in 3DEXPERIENCE

OK for the Multi-Solids

see Copying / Pasting a Model with Dittos in 3DEXPERIENCE

OK for the Multi-Solids

see Copying / Pasting a Model with Dittos in 3DEXPERIENCE

KO for the Multi-Solids

see Copying / Pasting a Model with Dittos in 3DEXPERIENCE

Recommended Practices

This section describes the recommended practices. For the following scenarios A, B, and C, you need to open a Model containing a DETAIL and several DITTOS:

Recommended Practice A

This section describes the recommended practice A.

  1. Under Migration of DETAILS spaces used by dittos, select Usual optimized mode.

  2. Copy this model and paste special it in a new 3D Shape using the CATIA_SPEC or CATIA_RESULT option. You obtain the following result.



Recommended Practice B

This section describes the recommended practice B.

  1. Under Migration of DETAILS spaces used by dittos, select Both usual and wireframe mode.

  2. Copy this model and paste special it in a new 3D Shape using the CATIA_SPEC or CATIA_RESULT option. You obtain the following result.



Recommended Practice C

This section describes the recommended practice C.

  1. Under Migration of DETAILS spaces used by dittos, select Like V4 explode mode.

  2. Copy this model and paste special it in a new 3D Shape using the CATIA_SPEC or CATIA_RESULT option. You obtain the following result.




This section describes DITTOS within DITTOS.

For the following scenarios A, B, and C, you need to open a Model containing DITTOS within DITTOS:

This is a DETAIL within the model, but it is also the DITTO of OTHER SPACE:

Another DETAIL within the model:


This section describes DITTOS within DITTOS A.

  1. Under Migration of DETAILS spaces used by dittos, select Usual optimized mode.

  2. Copy this model and paste special it in a new 3D Shape using the CATIA_SPEC or CATIA_RESULT option. A Warning dialog box is displayed.

    The result is incomplete for the DITTOS contained in the secondary level of the DETAIL' s space. For the other Dittos, please refer to the Copying / Pasting a Model with Dittos in 3DEXPERIENCE above.

Here is the result with the CATIA_SPEC option for instance:


This section describes DITTOS within DITTOS B.

  1. Under Migration of DETAILS spaces used by dittos, select Both usual and wireframe mode.

  2. Copy this model and paste special it in a new 3D Shape using the CATIA_SPEC or CATIA_RESULT option. A Warning dialog box is displayed.

    The result is incomplete for the DITTOS contained in the secondary level of the DETAIL' s space. For the other Dittos, please refer Copying / Pasting a Model with Dittos in 3DEXPERIENCE above.

    Here is the result with the CATIA_SPEC option for instance:


This section describes DITTOS within DITTOS C.

  1. Under Migration of DETAILS spaces used by dittos, select Like V4 explode mode.

  2. Copy this model and paste special it in a new 3D Shape using the CATIA_SPEC or CATIA_RESULT option. A warning dialog box is displayed.

    The result is incomplete for the DITTOS contained in the secondary level of the DETAIL' s space. For the other Dittos, please refer to the Copying / Pasting a Model with Dittos in 3DEXPERIENCE above.

    Here is the result with the CATIA_SPEC option for instance:


This section describes about Multi-Solids.

For the following scenarios A, B, and C, you need to open a Model containing several Solids (at least two) in the DETAIL' s space:

Multi-Solid A

This section describes about Multi-Solid A.

  1. Under Migration of DETAILS spaces used by dittos, select Usual optimized mode.
  2. Copy this model and paste special it in a new 3D Shape using the CATIA_SPEC or CATIA_RESULT option. And you obtain the following result.



Multi-Solid B

This section describes about Multi-Solid B.

  1. Under Migration of DETAILS spaces used by dittos, select Both usual and wireframe mode.

  2. Copy this model and paste special it in a new 3D Shape using the CATIA_SPEC or CATIA_RESULT option. And you obtain the following result.



Multi-Solid C

This section describes about Multi-Solid C.

  1. Under Migration of DETAILS spaces used by dittos, select Like V4 explode mode.

  2. Copy this model and paste special it in a new 3D Shape using the CATIA_SPEC or CATIA_RESULT option. And you obtain the following result.



    The CATIA_SPEC result does not reflect what there is in the V4 Model. The 3DEXPERIENCE bodies, copied "As Specified in Part Document", are placed like in the DETAIL and not like in the DITTOS.


For the following scenarios A, B, and C, you need to open a Model in which there is no Solid and Volume in the DETAIL' s space, but there is only Geometry (Faces, Skins, Lines, Curves,...).

Geometry only A

This section describes about geometry only A.

  1. Under Migration of DETAILS spaces used by dittos, select Usual optimized mode.

  2. Copy this model and paste special it in a new 3D Shape using the CATIA_SPEC or CATIA_RESULT option. A warning dialog box is displayed.

    This behavior is normal: the elements ("references") of the DETAIL' s space are copied and set in No Show. For more information about Usual optimized mode, please refer to the Copying / Pasting a Model with Dittos in 3DEXPERIENCE and the detailed Copying / Pasting a Model with Dittos in 3DEXPERIENCE.

    Here is the result with the CATIA_SPEC option for instance:

Geometry only B

This section describes about geometry only B.

  1. Under Migration of DETAILS spaces used by dittos, select Both usual and wireframe mode.

  2. Copy this model and paste special it in a new 3D Shape using the CATIA_SPEC or CATIA_RESULT option. And you obtain the following results with the CATIA_SPEC option for instance:

    The geometry is re-used and set in other places, but there is no associativity: if you modify the V4 Model (DETAIL), the 3DEXPERIENCE 3D Shape will not be updated automatically.

Geometry only C

This section describes about geometry only C.

  1. Under Migration of DETAILS spaces used by dittos, select Like V4 explode mode.

  2. Copy this model and paste special it in a new 3D Shape using the CATIA_SPEC or CATIA_RESULT option. And you obtain the following results with the CATIA_SPEC option for instance: