FlexibleProductComponent |
Verifies that a physical product contains flexible products or
structure components. If so, the affected components are rated as incorrect. |
InstanceTitleMustMatchReferenceTitle |
Verifies that the instance title matches the reference title. |
NonAllowedPositioningMatrix |
Verifies that the components in a model does not have translation
vector or rotation matrix with non-allowed entries. |
NonIdentityPositioningMatrix |
Verifies if components are rotated or translated within the
superordinate product. |
NonIsometricPositioningMatrix |
Verifies if a component has been mirrored within the superordinate
assembly and is non-isometric. |
PublishedElementNameMustMatchPublicationName_Product |
Verifies on products that the published element name corresponds
to the name of the associated published feature. |
Published_Element_Name |
Verifies that the published element name corresponds to the name
of the associated published feature. |
PublishedElementNameMustMatchPublicationName_Shape |
Verifies on shapes that the published element name corresponds to
the name of the associated published feature. |
Root3DPartName |
Verifies that the root part name matches specifications. |
RootProductName |
Verifies that the root product name matches
specifications. |
StructureofProductSpecificationTree |
Verifies that the tree structure of a product matches with the
reference product structure. |
VisualizationStateofPublishedEntities_Product |
Verifies on products that published elements have the specified
visualization state. |
VisualizationStateofPublishedEntities_Shape |
Verifies on shapes that published elements have the specified
visualization state. |