Quality Rules Management

You can run predefined checks on a model to assess the quality of its geometry. Depending on the profiles created by an administrator in Quality Rules Configuration, the list of checks you can use is available in the Quality Rules Reuse app.

For more information, see Quality Rules Collection.

Quality Rules Description
FlexibleProductComponent Verifies that a physical product contains flexible products or structure components. If so, the affected components are rated as incorrect.
InstanceTitleMustMatchReferenceTitle Verifies that the instance title matches the reference title.
NonAllowedPositioningMatrix Verifies that the components in a model does not have translation vector or rotation matrix with non-allowed entries.
NonIdentityPositioningMatrix Verifies if components are rotated or translated within the superordinate product.
NonIsometricPositioningMatrix Verifies if a component has been mirrored within the superordinate assembly and is non-isometric.
PublishedElementNameMustMatchPublicationName_Product Verifies on products that the published element name corresponds to the name of the associated published feature.
Published_Element_Name Verifies that the published element name corresponds to the name of the associated published feature.
PublishedElementNameMustMatchPublicationName_Shape Verifies on shapes that the published element name corresponds to the name of the associated published feature.
Root3DPartName Verifies that the root part name matches specifications.
RootProductName Verifies that the root product name matches specifications.
StructureofProductSpecificationTree Verifies that the tree structure of a product matches with the reference product structure.
VisualizationStateofPublishedEntities_Product Verifies on products that published elements have the specified visualization state.
VisualizationStateofPublishedEntities_Shape Verifies on shapes that published elements have the specified visualization state.