Context Toolbars

Context toolbars are smart toolbars that contain only those commands that can be applied to the current selection.

This page discusses:

Publication Context Toolbar

This context toolbar is accessible when selecting a publication.

Rename a Publication
Renames a publication.
Select a publication, and then enter a name. If needed, select Automatic reconnection or Rename also pointed element options.
See Renaming a Publication.

View Publication Attributes
Displays and enables the edition of the publication attributes.
To modify the publication description, click Switch to Edit Mode.
See Editing Publication Properties to Modify the Pointed Element.

Modify Pointed Element
Displays and helps modify the element pointed by the publication.
Click Modify and select a new pointed object in the work area.
See Editing Publication Properties to Modify the Pointed Element.

Position Context Toolbar

This context toolbar is accessible when copying or inserting a new or existing product.

Move to Origin
Moves to the origin of the coordinates system.
Click to restore the origin position of an object.
See Inserting an Existing Product.
Move to Robot Last Position
Moves the position to the last position of the Robot.

See Cutting, Copying and Pasting Objects

Move to Same place
Moves the element to the same place as the object from which it derives