Launching the Resource Generator from the Command Line

You can launch the LegacyCustoGenerator application from the command line.

  1. Run the following help command:
    LegacyCustoGenerator -h

    A list of the common arguments to be used with the LegacyCustoGenerator application is displayed:

  2. As each provider has specific arguments, you can run the following help command specifying the provider to see a list of all the arguments for a given provider:
    LegacyCustoGenerator -source SourceName -h

    where the SourceName must be:

    • VPM1 for ENOVIAvpm

  3. For example, run the following command:
    LegacyCustoGenerator -source VPM1 -user User -passwd Pwd -role Role -serverURL ServerName
    • -source is the source provider
    • -user is the user name used for the connection to the source
    • -passwd is the password of the previous user
    • -role is the role used for the customization generation
    • -serverURL is the source server definition with the format http://server:port/web_app

    A report containing provider-specific information is displayed. At the bottom of the report, messages regarding the generation process are displayed. You can expand parts of the report to hide or show information:

  4. Click Mapping files erased:

  5. Click Resource files generated:

  6. Click Business Logic files generated:

  7. Click Coexistence scenario samples:

  8. Click ENOVIAvpm object to map description:

  9. Click Default mapping description: