- Run the following help command:
LegacyCustoGenerator -h
A list of the common arguments to be used with the LegacyCustoGenerator application is displayed:
- As each provider has specific arguments, you can run the following help command specifying the provider to see a list of all the arguments for a given provider:
LegacyCustoGenerator -source SourceName -h
where the SourceName must be:
- For example, run the following command:
LegacyCustoGenerator -source VP5 -user User -passwd Pwd -role Role -serverURL ServerName -inputXML Name of XML file
is the source provider
is the user name used for the connection to the source
is the password of the previous user
is the role used for the customization generation
is the source server definition with the format http://server:port/web_app
is the XML file containing the location of the metadata file and the customization file name. You can find sample scenarios in
the directory $installpath/win_b64/reffiles/CATVP5CustoGenerator
A report containing provider-specific information is displayed. At the bottom of the report, messages regarding the generation process are displayed. You can expand parts of the report to hide or show information:
- Click VPM V5 metadata file successfully generated:
- Click Type visibility files successfully generated:
- Click Name and attributes NLS files successfully generated:
- Click TE profile XML files successfully generated:
Post-Resource Generator Execution
After installation is completed, the following files are generated:
- VPM V5 mapping files
- a VPM V5 metadata file
- a VPM V5 admin file
- type visibility files
- object name and attribute NLS files
- icon mapping files
- PLM toolbar visibility files
- TE profile XML files (generated for import and export)
- business rule files (generated for import and export).
Files 1 through 3 are generated at:
Files 4 through 9 are generated at:
Once the resources have been generated in the Business Logic files, customized V5 types are mapped to OOTB 3DEXPERIENCE types. So, if you want to map customized V5 types with customized 3DEXPERIENCE types, you just have to replace the OOTB types with the customized ones in the TypeMapping CATRule file.
if(srcObject->IsSupporting("VP5ProductReferenceCusto") == true
or srcObject->IsSupporting("VP5PartReferenceCusto") == true
or srcObject->IsSupporting("VP5ProductReference") == true)
/*custoTypeName = "VPMReference"*/
custoTypeName = "VPMReference_Custo"
- You can map multiple V5 customized or OOTB types to a single 3DEXPERIENCE customized/OOTB type.
- If LegacyCustoGenerator is run in NOCUSTO mode, the Business Logic files for upgrades and
downward transfers must be copied from the client installation directory. To
be more precise, copy the following to the directory Installation\win_b64\resources\knowledge\scripts: