Defining Risks and Opportunities in the Future

You can create and manage the risk and opportunities linked to a KPI at different dates.

See Also
Defining Business Values for a Single Entity
Display the Prediction Chart
  1. From the Compass, click the Information Intelligence quadrant and select Product Performance Assessment.
  2. Click B.I. Valuation in the action bar.
  3. Select Business Value Definition .
  4. Select an entity.
  5. To manage events related to risks and opportunities, select the Anticipate tab.

    You can manage events related to risks and opportunities, which can be defined as follows:

    • A risk affects a KPI on a particular date in a negative manner.
    • An opportunity affects a KPI on a particular date in a positive manner.

    A graph displays several lines, each line corresponding to a KPI whose name is on the left. A time scale is at the top of the graph starting from the current date. Green bubbles on the line stand for an opportunity and red bubbles denote a risk.

    The aggregated states are displayed below the KPI name, with:

    • A green thumb for Complete
    • A red thumb for Implemented.
    • A red exclamation mark for Pending. A risk or opportunity whose implementation date has passed is considered as a pending action.

    The chart can be zoomed in/out and also scrolled to previous/further dates.

  6. To get information about a risk or opportunity, click the respective bubble on the KPI line or the icon under the KPI name.

    A panel appears under the bubble or icon, displaying:

    • The exact date of the event
    • Its current state in a list
    • A value with unit

    Note: You cannot change the state of an existing ENOVIA risk/opportunity as the maturity state is governed by ENOVIA apps.
  7. To add a risk or opportunity, do either of the following:
    • Fill in the following parameters:
      • Name: of the risk or opportunity
      • Type: Risk or opportunity
      • Responsible: The person/user group responsible for the risk/opportunity (used during escalation).
      • Collateral people: The person/group who are affected by the risk/opportunity (used during escalation).
      • Implementation date: The date to implement the risk/opportunity.
      • Comments: The description/comments related to the risk/opportunity.
      • KPIs impacted: The list of KPIs impacted by the risk/opportunity along with the value and confidence.

      All but Comments are mandatory.

    • Attach the KPI to the ENOVIA risk/opportunity:

      ENOVIA risks and opportunities can be searched with their name and added to timeline. An ENOVIA risk/opportunity cannot be modified and can only be added directly to the timeline. Each ENOVIA risk/opportunity is governed by the ENOVIA lifecycle.

    Note: To assess the risks or opportunities on the weight KPI in the future, switch to the Weight and Balance app.