Creating a Fillet Weld

You can create a fillet weld to join two pieces that can be perpendicular or at an angle.

  1. From the Weld section of the action bar, click Fillet Weld .
  2. Select a weld body in the tree.
  3. Select both of the faces to join.

    • To add or remove faces defining the supports (as displayed in the Supports list), press Ctrl + Click.
    • You can add to or remove faces from a support using the Edit selection context menu from the Supports list.
      • Clicking a face in the work area adds it to the list.
      • To remove a face from the list, use Remove selection.

  4. Optional: If the parts are not perfectly in contact with each other, you can weld them together using the With Gap option.
  5. Optional: Click Preview.
    The fillet weld section appears and the edge where it will be propagated is highlighted.

  6. To create another weld, select the following face as support.

  7. Click Preview.
    The fillet weld sections appear. The edges where they will be propagated are highlighted.

  8. To specify the weld size, select an option:

    • Throat: Defines the throat length. The a symbol represents the throat.

    • Leg Length: Defines both leg lengths. The z symbols represent the legs.

    To assign a distinct value to Leg 2, first select Leg Length 2.

  9. Optional: To define the shape of the weld, click the Manufacturing tab and select an option. The shape defines the weld seam shape representation in drafting context. If you select Convex or Concave , specify a curvature value in Offset. The offset is the maximum distance between the weld face and arc.

    For more information about manufacturing options, see Manufacturing.

    Note: Shapes are extracted on drawings.

  10. Optional: To specify a dashed weld, click the Type tab and select a creation mode. For more information, see Creating a Dashed Weld.
  11. Click OK.

    The fillet weld is created. It appears with aggregated supports and external references in the tree.