To open the shortcut panel, click The Recently Viewed section lists all the objects you viewed during the current session in the reverse order of which they were viewed. That is, the most-recently viewed item shows at the top of the list. You can click the object name to go to that object's default page, or expand the object and click on any of the category names to go directly to that page for the object. Your company decides the maximum number of items in the list (the default is 15). If you open the shortcuts pane in a pop-up window, the Recently Viewed list only includes items viewed from that window. The Clipboard sections lists any objects you added to the clipboard collection, and below that all your personal collections are shown. The list of collections includes up to 100 of the most recently used collections. To access all of your collections, you can use the Collections page. On premises only: Your business administrator can change the maximum number of
collections that can be listed in the shortcut pane.
You can expand any collection name to view the objects in that collection. You can then further expand an object to view the list of categories for that object. Click on any object name or category name to open that page. You can click |