Promoting an Item

If the Auto Promote feature is enabled in the object's policy, the system promotes the object automatically when all requirements are met. Otherwise, people with promote access can manually promote the object from its current state to the next. If the policy has signature requirements, they must be met before promoting.

Before you begin: View the Lifecycle page for the object you want to promote or demote; see Lifecycle Page.
  1. If the promotion arrow pointing to the next state has a , make sure all signature requirements are met.
  2. If the promotion arrow pointing to the next state has a , a route must be completed before you can promote the object. If the lifecycle branches to more than one state, the app promotes the object to the state whose signature requirements are satisfied.

    Some apps may handle branched lifecycles differently and not allow promotions to be made using the Lifecycle page. For instructions on promoting or demoting to a branched state for a particular type of object, see the online help or user guide for the app you are using.

  3. When all signature requirements are met and all blocking routes and workflows are complete, click Promote from the page Actions menu or toolbar.

    If the promotion is successful, the next state's box turns to a darker blue, indicating that the object has been promoted to that state.

    If a promotion requires a signature and the signature has not been given, an error message displays, listing the unfulfilled signature requirements.

    The promotion may also fail for other reasons. For example, a promotion could fail if items have not been connected, if connected items have not been promoted to the expected state, or if the object is in a route that has not yet been completed. If the promotion fails, the system displays a message explaining the reason.

    If a state-based route is defined for the new lifecycle state, it is automatically started (if your system is configured to do so; some systems may not have this feature enabled). If a state-based route had been started and stopped, for example the object was demoted or a task in the route was rejected, the route is automatically restarted.