Adding Approvers from a Route Template to a Task

You can create a new approval task and load the list of approvers from a route template. This feature creates approval tasks for all of the users, roles, and groups assigned as members of a route. You can only add approvers to the current or a future state; you cannot add approvers to any prior states. The app either adds the approval tasks as new tasks to an existing route for the selected state, or creates a new route with the approval tasks. If you add a new route to a future state, you must manually start that route. The app does not automatically start the route when the lifecycle reaches it.

Before you begin: View the Approvals tab of the Lifecycle PowerView. See Approvals Page Tab.
  1. Click Add From Template in the page toolbar.
  2. For each state where you want to add approvers based on a route template:
    1. Click for the lifecycle state. The Find Route Template dialog box opens.
    2. Enter search criteria for the route template and click Find. The Select Route Template page opens.
    3. Select the needed template.
    4. Click Submit.
  3. Click Done.

    If the template included users whose approval is not needed for the object/state, you can remove them by following these steps:

  4. Check the state for which you want approvers removed.
  5. Click Remove Approver in the page toolbar.

If a route already exists for the state, the tasks from this route template are added to the existing route. The app does not create an additional route based on the route template for the state.