Approvals Page Tab

The Approvals page tab on the Lifecycle PowerView lets you review the approvals required for an object for all its lifecycle states.

To access this page, click Approvals on the Lifecycle page for an object.

This topic describes:

This page discusses:

See Also
Lifecycle Page
Page Toolbar Icons


Column Name Description
State Lifecycle state where the task/signature is required; the current state shows in bold. All states are listed, even if there are no associated tasks or signatures. Branched states are not listed unless a user has done something to activate the branch.
Assignee Person, role, or group who needs to complete the task. Click to open the properties page for that user (no link if the assignee is a role or a group).
Task/Signature Name of the task. Click to view details about that task.
Task Title Title of the task; blank for sign-offs.
Comments/Instructions Comments entered when completing the task or sign-off; if not yet completed or signed, the instructions given for the task, or blank for a sign-off.

Status Description
Awaiting Approval The task needs to be approved. See Approve Assigned Tasks Page.
Pending The tasks are for a future state and not yet created.
Approved The required person completed the task or approved the sign-off.
Rejected For a signature, the required person rejected the sign-off.
Ignored For a signature, the required person chose to ignore the sign-off. Depending on the policy, this action might not be allowed.
Comment The purpose of the task is Comment (not approve).
Notify Only The purpose of the task is Notify Only (not approve).

Due Date Date the task/sign-off must be completed.
Completed Date Actual date the task/sign-off was completed.

Actions/Toolbar Commands

Action Description For More Information
Approve/Reject Approves or reject the task. To approve a task, you:
  • Must be assigned the task
  • Select tasks in the current lifecycle state (shown in bold in the State column)
  • Must only select 1 task.

Select the required action, enter comments, and click Done.

Reassign Reassigns the selected task to a different user.

Select the required person, enter comments, and click Done.

Add Approver Adds an additional approval task to the object. Adding an Approval Task
Add From Template Adds the list of approvers from a route template. Adding Approvers from a Route Template to a Task
Remove Approver Deletes the approval task from the route; you must have modify access (such as by being the route owner). -
Edit Edits the due date for a task/signature. -