The XML file is in win_b64/startup/WorkInstructions. Example: <!-- Attributes on Resource Instance --> <Object V6CustoName="VPMInstance"> <attribute V6Name="V_SomeStandardInstanceAttr1"/> <attribute V6Name="V_SomeStandardInstanceAttr2"/> </Object> <!-- Attributes on Specialized / Customized Resource Instance --> <Object V6CustoName="MyCustomVPMInstance"> <attribute V6Name="V_MyCustomInstanceAttr1"/> <attribute V6Name="V_MyCustomInstanceAttr2"/> </Object> The values of the specified instance attributes are:
The default Attributes to Publish.xml does contain any Instance
type / attribute information. It is up to you to add one or more Instance types and
attributes to this file as per their workflow / need.
Previously, as shown below, there was no capability for you to specify attribute values on instances. <!-- Attributes on Resource Reference / Customized Extension --> <Object V6CustoName="Resource"> <attribute V6Name="V_Category"/> <attribute V6Name="V_MTBF"/> <attribute V6Name="V_MTTR"/> <attribute V6Name="V_MyCustomExtensionAttr1"/> <attribute V6Name="V_MyCustomExtensionAttr2"/> </Object> |