Picture Setup and Links
Used for Picture Setup and the links.
Use the Document Management in Customizing preferences, Customizing Preferences to select:
- Keep a Link
- Picture points to the document/file in the database.
- If the original document modifies in the database, the Picture automatically updates the next time PPR data reloads.
- Embed
- Picture contains a copy of the original document/file.
- If the original document modifies in the database, there is no impact to the Picture (it shows the original image.)
Select Keep a Link, then a view. From the Instruction
action bar,
Picture .
Using the search, select the picture. The picture appears in your scenario, place
Change to Embed, and select Picture from the Instruction Authoring
action bar
and select the picture again.
Once the picture modifies, then the Keep a Link updates, and
Embed stays the same.