About Supporting Operations Output

You can extend the Operation Output workflow into Work Instructions.

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This provides the following capabilities:

  • Display the output of an Operation when that Operation or a following Operation from the Operation filmstrip.
  • When Views are active, you can select the Operation Output and add Dressup/Overloads on it.
  • When data publishes to the shop floor using the Workplan Publication App, then this includes the Operation Output information in the published package for consumption in 3D Workbook.

Consider the following dataset

There is a Resulting Product specified for Item Item H2.

There is an Operation Output specified for Operation OP H2.

Opening this data in Work Instructions. Depending on the Product Buildup,Display additional Products (for Product BuildUp options), the following is visible when selecting Operation OP H2 in the filmstrip.

  • Case 1: Design Product option specified - Implemented product geometry Prod H2 and Prod C1 display.

  • Case 2: Resulting Product option specified - Resulting Product displays if available RP H2 otherwise the implemented product geometry displays Prod C1.

There was no way to display the Operation Output OO H2 in Work Instructions.

If an Operation has an Output specified, then the Output geometry displays in Work Instructions instead of displaying the Resulting Product / Implemented Product geometry.

So, for the same dataset mentioned above:

  • Selecting Operation OP C1 in the filmstrip, implemented Product Prod C1displays.

  • Selecting Operation OP H2 in the filmstrip, operation output geometry OOH2 displays.

The Item & Resource panel lists the Operation (instead of the Item) if there is an Output associated to that Operation.

The context menu on the Operation in the panel has the same functionality as the context menu on Items & Resources. You are able to select the Operation (Output) in the panel or the 3D window.

Once selecting the Output in the 3D or in the panel, then perform any allowed action on selected Items and Resources.

  • Markers

    Create Markers (Label, Text, Picture, and others) on Operation Output.

    For Label Marker – Use a new CATRule (DELWKIDMULabelPropertiesForOperation). The default string of the Label controlled by this CATRule for the Operation name.

    For Text Marker – The $ID value of the text is the Operation name.

  • Sections

    Create Sections cutting through Operation Output.

    Create partial Sections (sections that cut through selected objects only) on selected Operation Outputs.

  • Measures

    Create Measures (Measure Item / Measure Between) using the geometry of the Operation Output.

  • Overloads

    Create Graphic Property (Color and Transparency) and Visibility Overloads on Operation Output

    Create Position Overloads on Operation Output. Overload the position by using either Robot, Manipulate, Snap, or Explode commands

When data is published in Work Plan Publication for consumption on the Shop Floor, then the Operation Output information is part of the published package.

As a result, in 3D Workbook:

  • The Operation Output displays when you select the corresponding Operation.
  • The Dressup and Overloads created on Operation Output display/apply.