Precedence of Work Instructions
You order work instructions within an operation. For example, you warn workers about a hazard before asking them to perform a task. Copying work instructions from one operation to another on the tree can affect or destroy the ordering you have specified within Work Instructions.
In Process Planning, you can make changes (such as copying and pasting a work instruction from one operation to another) to the ordering of work instructions. These changes affect Work Instructions functions when you next open the app.
If you have disrupted the linear precedence of work instructions outside of the Work Instructions app, when you next open the system in the app, a warning appears:
Work Instruction reordering has been disabled due to the detection of an existing invalid sequence.
Do not use drag-and-drop reordering when this sequence error exists. To fix the precedence, open an app that gives you access to the Gantt chart, and use Create Precedence Link to re-establish linear precedence.
If a general operation has no children or only the work instruction children, you can add work instructions. If a general operation has work instruction children, other apps, such as Process Planning, do not allow you to add nonwork instruction children to the operation.